Love is the glue that gets u together for the lesson....

Friday, May 31, 2013

SUMMER! I think so anyway.....

Well it's official school's out for another year and summer vacation has started. The kids had mixed emotions about that whole thing....Austin was kinda ready to be done, even though he had a blast with his teacher this year.  I think he is more looking forward to all the sports he gets to play over the next two months!

Bayleann was sad because she will really miss her teacher she said.  They really bonded this past year and Bayleann loved the first grade! But she too gets to do plenty of fun stuff this summer too.  She even started her summer reading and math programs today (on her own).  She loves homework! I think we all did at that age, but realized it wasn't all it was cracked up to be :o)

All-in-all they had  a great year of learning, friends and fun.  And before you know it summer will be a memory too! They both are in baseball this summer with Austin playing games twice a week.  Basketball in the mornings for Austin and dance in the evenings for Peanut. 

They even slept in alittle this morning...I think this last week of school was really hard on them :o) All the fun they had you know.

The kids had their spring program this past Friday and of course Bayleann had to wear her new dress! Thanks for the pretty dress Auntie Kelly....she even wanted to wear her frilly socks with her fancy shoes :o)

Austin just had to wear a blue shirt-which of course he picks the on that has a dog farting on the front of it! Thankfully he turned it backwards for the program! Boys!

Zoey loved all the music in the program...she kept dancing with the different songs! She even got to wear her frilly socks and fancy shoes so she'd match her sister (Bayleann helped pick out her clothes that morning)

The 1st-3rd graders did a fun musical about being different types of people.  Of course our little star loved it and sang her heart out and of course did all the dance moves too!  The lighting for her part of the program was really crappy-so the pictures got a little dark :(

The 4th -6th graders did a patriotic musical called American Voices and it was really cool...hence why Austin needed a blue shirt...he was in the blue part of the American flag of children on the stage.  I was impressed he actually sang alittle and got into the dance moves too! I wasn't sure what to expect since he'd been complaining for the last month about having to practice the program every other day...Again... Boys!

After the program we came home and played...Zoey loves to sit under the window with her brother....they are watching cartoons together...

All that playing tuckered her out...her and daddy took a snooze

Friday night we had a visitor right by our back deck....He was just having a snack, not scared at all...

The kids got to end the year with some fun activities both in the classrooms and outside...they got to go to the park on Tuesday to burn off some energy and eat scribbles....Thankfully the raindrops held off till we got back to the school!
What a great class they had this year! Hard to believe they are moving onto the 2nd grade already!

Bayleann & buddies!


Bayleann and her "special" friend Landon...he has a little crush on her! Don't worry we've already informed her that there will be no dating till she's 30!

Wow! Can you believe this dude's going to be in the 6th grade next year! We certainly can't...he loved his teacher this year-Mr.Denny had a nack of getting Austin to do anything :o) Austin has been into drawing graffiti lately (only clean graffiti that is) so he did Mr. Denny's name for his classroom.  This kids got some major drawing skills.  He can see the pic once and duplicate it without any help what-so-ever.  So of course he got an A in art this year :o)

Our little peanut...getting so big! Mrs. Kellen said she'd let Bayleann go onto 2nd grade but she told her she had to come back and visit :o) She was going to miss her too much.  This woman has the patience of a saint and a heart of gold!  She even won Teacher of the Year this year!

Oh and guess what...we're toothless! Yup she lost both her front teeth within a week of each other.  What a goof!

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