Love is the glue that gets u together for the lesson....

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Another Star Day for our Dancer!

I think by the time our children are done with sports I will have absolutely no voice left! 

You could not have found prouder parents/siblings/grandparents than we were in Fargo on Saturday! Our little dancer amazed us again with her wonderful smile and skill on that stage.  I wish I could have taken a picture of her when she came out on the stage and posed waiting for the music to start.  Her smile and personality radiated so fully that the whole audience noticed her atop that step.  Then the music started and watch out she was a dancin' diva!

Bayleann had her 2nd competition in Fargo on Saturday, thankfully we didn't have to get up quite so early and her dances were timed closer together this time around.  She danced her ABC number at 3:55 and her Splish Splash number at 5:09 and the awards were held at around 6.  She did awesome on both routines and grandma and I screamed so loud a lady a few rows in front of us plugged her ears! HA! We didn't care-that was our lil girl up there!

The girls wowed the judges once again too.  They received a HIGH GOLD for each of their dances and for ABC received the Judges Shiver award (meaning the judge got goose bumps watching the energy and skill of the girls) and they got 5th place overall for their ABC routine and 2nd place overall for Splish Splash.  They brought home some serious hardware!

I think our Bayleann has found her passion, hard to believe that she is already finishing up her 4th year in dance.  She gets to perform once more this year at their spring recital on May 18th.  

We are so proud of you peanut! Keep up the great work! When you dance on that stage you not only light up yourself but all of us in the audience too! We love you so much!
What a beautiful dancer!

practicing before going on stage

It's amazing how different she looks when she is all dolled up!

Bayleann and her bestie Dani getting ready to go!

Getting a pep talk by Jackie

Here they go! Laugin and playin around...they aren't even nervous-they are old pros!

ABC Rountine

The stage was taken over by all the dancers for the awards....Bayleann's studio is in there somewhere :o)

Still full of energy for the ride home! Our little dancer!

I've kinda been a bad blogger for the a few weeks! I know shame on me...but don't worry I have lots of pictures to get on here of Zoey's first birthday yet....Can't believe she's even that old already....Will get caught up soon I promise!


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