Love is the glue that gets u together for the lesson....

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Playing Catch Up

This time of the year always seems to be a little on the hectic side...another school year is coming to a close, trying to cram all sorts of end of the year activities into about 10 days! But I'd have to say this year I think everyone is looking forward to alittle summer :o)

Austin is finishing up his 5th grade year already! Pretty soon he'll be over at the high school-don't want to think about that quite yet!!!  And Bayleann is finishing up the 1st grade and her 4th year of dance.  She had her spring show this weekend and rocked the house once again! (some pics to follow)

We are blessed that our kids have both found a passion for something at such young ages, because that passion will follow them through into adulthood.  They both light up when they are doing their "thing" and you can really tell they truly LOVE it....Austin when he's got a basketball in his hands and Bayleann whenever she's dancing on stage! Wonder what Zoey will do someday?  Right now she's just exciting to be running around!

Soon school will be over and the summer fun starts...

I know that I've been really bad on getting some pics on here lately so enjoy a flood of smiling and messy faces!

It's my birthday!

The cake that Zoey got to dig into!'s good!

Perfect little print as evidence that a lil monkey was in the cake!

Who needs hands get it into my face faster...

OUUUUU more yummy puffs! My favorite snack.

She's telling you that's she's one! In case you didn't already know :o)

The letter 'Z' tastes good to a Zoey!

Just chillin'

Daddy brought home a balloon and rose for his littlest princess on her birthday :o)

Man that was tasty!

2013 Spring Show for Dancin' Off Broadway....What a production!

My two favorite dancers!

Debbie and her dancin' divas!

Very proud grandparents!

Hanging out backstage with her buddies

Bayleann is the middle bathin' beauty behind the tub....

Runestone Rocketts

I'm sure Bayleann will be a member of this group when she "becomes of age!"...Can't believe that the oldest member still dancin' strong is 82 years young!!!! Hope I can still bust a move at that age!!

Proud big brother! Even though he did say "the show was alittle long Bayleann!" :o)

Even prouder Daddy!



Another great thing about dance is that Bayleann has made some wonderful friendships that will last a long time! These girls get along really well...

I couldn't get a front view of this since during the first show Zoey's was alittle unhappy so I had to get one from the backstage side view....Bayleann is the girl on the top step in the school house door (don't mind the dad's holding up the school-it was a little tippy)  This is my favorite moment of her dance....They strike a pose when the music starts and Bayleann just BEAMS from that top step...Her pose says "HEY PAY ATTENTION-WE'RE ABOUT TO ROCK THE HOUSE!"

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