Love is the glue that gets u together for the lesson....

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Winning the GOLD!!

What a weekend! I'm not even sure where to start to be perfectly honest.  

I do know one thing tho....We are the luckiest parents in the whole wide world....we have been blessed with the best children in the world...They continue to make us so proud of them! This weekend was another example-Bayleann wowed us at her first Dance competition in Burnsville.  I will admit that I was very nervous how this would all turn out.  We are definitely not "city folks" :o) Just the thought of driving in the cities makes me thankful I live in the sticks! What should take a few minutes can take an hour there!  

This past summer Bayleann tried out for the newly created Lamdas Dance Team at the dance studio she attends.  At first it was about her learning what she should improve on for a future try out, but that lesson backfired on us when she was selected to join that team!  They started practicing each week on two different competition numbers and they really put a lot of time and dedication into these routines-and mother nature was always there every few weeks with a nice winter storm to cancel they went into this competition alittle less prepared than most of the other teams.  These girls would be competing against many studios from the cities and a few others from around the state.  Most of those girls practice everyday of the week! We get an hour and fifteen minutes a week. So didn't really know what to expect at this first competition, we explained to Bayleann before we left that they might not get any awards but that it would be a great experience for her to see what it was all about. Again so much for that life lesson!

They did AWESOME! They performed two routines and won GOLD for both! And also got 4th place overall for the 2nd routine! We were screaming and crying all at the same time! Bayleann may not have been able to see us in the audience (with the bright lights and all) but she certainly heard us :o) Mom, Dad, Big Bro, Lil Sis, Grandma & Grandpa all in the audience and Grandma Judy up above looking down....that girl had a support group all right!  Just sitting there watching her on that stage brought back so many wonderful memories of Mom & I...that alone made me tear up than watching our special girl dance her heart out put me over the edge :o)

Even Lil Zoey was clapping and cheering for her Big Sissy-I had her on my lap facing the stage and she was watching so intently and I keep saying (in between screams that is) look at sissy, look at sissy and she knew Bayleann was there somewhere.

Well I could go on and on and on about that special proud momma's love to ramble! So I'll quit and let you get to the pictures of Bayleann!

Splish Splash costume... She looks pretty cheery for getting up at 4am!

Yokasta was in charge of getting the eye liner and fake lashes on the girls....than I finished up hair and costumes-we were tag teamin' it :o)

Those fake lashes and full makeup made peanut look so grown up!

Bayleann and Dani

Juliet, Bayleann & Aubrey

The Lamdas!

Hangin out during the down time between dances....we had alot of that! The girls would play in the dressing area, than we'd go watch some of the other teams dance, than munch, than get the point!

Zoey came and played in the dressing room too! She was covered with sparkles from crawling around :o)

Gettin ready to go to the first awards ceremony with their team sign!

Proud Grandma!

There was hardly enough room on stage for all the teams! Way in the lower right corner of this picture is Bayleann's team

Their award! GOLD! We got 2 of these bad boys!!!!!

Proud Big Bro

Costume change....ABC number was next....What a ham!

Gettin ready to go backstage and get pumped up!

Jackie has lost it!

The Lamdas after they danced!

A very proud momma!!!!!

   You did a awesome job Bayleann-we are so proud of you that words couldn't even begin to explain....Both you and your brother have so much talent wrapped up in your little bodies! Keep up the great work and dedication- you will go far in life :o)

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