Love is the glue that gets u together for the lesson....

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Ending the Season on a High!

Today was the end of a very awesome season....these boys have come a long way since January! They practiced hard, had determination, and most of all HAD FUN! They have grown as a team and as individuals....we are proud of each and every one of them.....

But of course we are the most proud of Austin.  He defiantely has his Daddy's skill and love of the game.  You see it in his face every time he gets on that court, he couldn't wait til the game days.  As we watched him improve each and everyday it was so thrilling as a parent to watch.  We played alot of games against alot of teams-some great games....and some not so great games.  But what impressed us was that even though other teams played dirty (yes even at the 5th grade level you got those!) our players and our son kept their cool and played with sportsmanship-never stooping to that level of play, even if it cost them the point or even the game and for that we say "hats off to you guys".  

Today's games were an actual tournament with brackets etc...We played a couple teams we never have before, and even though we lost a couple-we won a couple and the boys ended their season on a high!  Placing 5th is something to be very proud of-you've come a long way.  Next year they will be even better!

Yesterday was Andy's birthday HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!.....he told Austin to play a good game for him for his birthday and make him proud....well Dad I think he accomplished that :o)

Austin-you are a basketball star and we are so very proud of how much you have grown not only as a team player but as an individual've gained skill, patience, determination & sportsmanship.  YOU ROCK! Keep makin us proud Booger! :o)

Game against Pillager

Goofin off during their break....what a bunch of clowns!

Dad giving some pointers during warm-ups...

And we have a swoosh! Go #26...awesome form!

Smoke stack

Free throws!

A win over Bertha

Last game of the season against Bertha....playing for 5th/6th place....

Another swoosh!

WOO HOO! Win over Betha for 5th place! Awesome game!

That's a wrap! Booger gives it a 2 thumbs up!

A snuggling Zo-Zo in pink camo :o) what a cutie!

These next pictures were meant to be up when she turned 10 months....well I'm a tish slow and she's almost 11 months old now....oh well...she's still a cutie no matter what age she is!

Playing with her favorite stuffed monkey!

Oh no where'd he go?

Turbo bouncer!  Zoey sure knows how to get this bouncer a rockin!

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