Love is the glue that gets u together for the lesson....

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Snow Baby

Fun in the sun....whoops I mean snow.....cuz that is all we got around our far as the eyes can see it's white! You could actually loose a small child in our snow banks!

But as the hearty Minnesotans that we are, we try and make fun in the crappy...I mean wonderful snow that we have...a few weeks back we had some huge snowflakes falling and falling so we decided to go and play! It was finally warm enough for Zoey to have some snow fun too! She kept trying to catch the flakes in her mouth :o) Her little pink snow boots were Bayleann's when she was a pint size peanut!

She's already practicing that "really Daddy" look :o)

Whenever these two are out in the snow they always end up having a snow ball fight!

After the last snow fall we ended up with a fresh 6-8 inches so the snow hill got even bigger and the sledding that much better...too bad these two have a hard time staying ON the sleds!

A pig-tailed Zo-Zo

Peek-A-Boo....I ate through my piece of bread

Hey there! Guess what I'm almost a year old already! Here's a bunch of pictures of me being me!

I'm attacking Momma's camera!

Doing my daily chin ups

I love my horsy....she's soft and pink and sings to me

And I sing back!

Time to color some eggs....

So pretty...this year we tried something different.  We used Kool-Aid to color our eggs....than with the left over Kool-Aid we decided to go out and color some snow!

Minor malfunction here.....was hurrying so we wouldn't run out of green before we finished Bayleann's name and we forgot the that's a mommy moment! Peanut said that's ok mom!

Zoey loves to be's been a long winter having to be inside on the cold days....Today was warm and sunny and the snow is slowly melting away! YEAH!

Climbin' the snow hill


To make a butt print!

I'm the queen of the snow hill! and I'm making my own butt print...he he

And of course....we had to have a snow ball fight....

Well that's all for now folks....Hope you all have a very Happy Easter filled with love, chocolate bunnies and colored peeps :o)

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