Love is the glue that gets u together for the lesson....

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Good-bye 2012....bring it on 2013

New Year's already! Can't believe that 2012 in over already...we had some ups and downs this year but overall it was full of memories and fun! Of course our biggest highlight was the birth of our little Zoey! She has truely made our family complete..our three little monkies!   The kids have gotten bigger and more independent...venturing out and trying new things and succeeding in the ones they already do...Here is a highlight of our past year in pictures.....
January/February meant playing outside in what snow we did have....the kids love it when dad pulls them in the sled behind the fourwheeler...the goal is to try and stay in the sled but that doesn't always work!

Snugglin in my new but old bed...

Winning 2nd place in Lego Robotics

Catching a big Northern before either of the boys! HA! Girls Rule Boys Drool :o)

Happy Birthday Peanut! The big 6

Redneck children passtime.....catching a mouse in the front yard with a bat! Who needs traps?

Snowball launch!

The victors of the snowball fight against dad...In his defense it was two on one...a little unfair!

March....A wonderful day for Bayleann and I....A Baby shower for the little bean to be! Bayleann got all dressed up and was so excited to open the "bean presents"

April! Zoey! What a wonderful day that was...when our little princess Zoey was born :o) It seems like just yesterday but it was almost 9 months ago...she is growing up so fast...We love looking back at these pictures of our little miracle....hearing her giggles now melt our hearts...she points her little finger at her baby pictures-its so cute!

What an awesome big brother....two sisters-watch out booger!

The big sister...she not quite sure of this little bundle yet...but you'll make a wonderful big sissy!

What a proud daddy! Three times over :o)

Going home...

All pretty in pink! What a little princess...

Hanging out at the office with mommy

I love this picture! It should be a caption for all those not so great days at the office!

End of another school year! On to the Fifth Grade in just a few short months....but Austin will really miss Ms. Olson-I think she was his favorite!

We had to say goodbye to our favorite Kindergarten teacher...Mrs. Duberowski :o( She retired after 35+ years of teaching-She is a wonderful teacher and friend! The kids had the best Kindergarten year-thankfully both kids had her...poor Zoey won't though...unless we can convince her to come back!!!

Spring Dance show! Bayleann and her Monie!

Our little dancer! She did two dance numbers for the Spring Dance show that landed on Momma's birthday! She danced perfectly-what a great gift to me for my birthday!

June 3rd was a special day for our family...Our little Zoey got Bapitized and it was Grandma Judy's birthday! Our Angel looked down on us that day! Zoey is dressed in a gown made from Grandma Judy's wedding dress.  She was such a good girl that day...didn't cry at all.

Zoey's Godparents...Bob & Kelly

School's out and the summer baseball season starts...This was the first year for our little peanut and boy did she prove to be just as tough as the boys!  What a rock star!  Austin started the traveling team this year...having games twice a week.  They did great finishing 3rd in their league. Way to go Boog!

Lil Zo Zo traveled right with us all month for baseball...she is defiantely an outdoor girl-loving the fresh air and sunshine! And of course was the best little cheerleader for the her big brother and sister!

In July we made our annual trip to the zoo....the kids love this place and all the animals...Bayleann loves the otters, Austin gets the biggest laughs out of the monkies and little Zoey was just amazed by everything!

This summer was a big one for Booger! He earned (partly his own money and little chipped in by mom & dad for a great school year!) his first camo 20 guage! He was so excited that day! He practiced all the rest of the summer so that by the time duck hunting opened he was a pro!
Fall time! And some great family pictures down by the lake!

Game Fair time again! The boys look for forward to this every year....cuz that means that hunting season is not far off! This year Austin had a mission...last year Barnie Calef gave Austin one of his duck calls and told him that he had to come back and prove to him he knew how to call the ducks! Of course Austin mastered that one!

What a diva!

We got some camping in this year...of course not as much as we would have liked...We visited some new state parks and some old favorites.  This family loves to camp and Zoey fits right in-she did awesome her first time out!  It's so nice to get away from the busy life back at home and just relax and spend quality time with the ones we love the most!

What big hair you have Peanut!

Cannon Ball!

Zoey loves the nightly fires...what a cutie!

It's a Zo Zo kissing sandwich!

Uh Oh the first day of another school year has come already! But this year is going to be great! They are getting so big so fast...Austin started 5th Grade with an awesome teacher and Peanut is already in 1st Grade and she has a wonderful lady for her teacher too!

Flag Football with his parents as coaches :o) It was a great season! The kids were awesome and learned quite a bit....

Oh Boy! Hunting! This year Austin got to hunt with his own gun and he got his first goose with it! I think I heard him back at the house that morning :o) He was so excited! The memories these boys are making are going to last a lifetime! Father and son...a very special bond.

Big bad goose was no match for the sharp shooter Booger Moen!

Zoey got a little too close to the cleaning bird area :o)

October brought more hunting and the annual trip to South Dakota for some really awesome hunting! Limiting out in the first 1/2 hour....They had a blast out there...even if it rain the first day or so...they are hardcore hunters they don't care!

Movin on up to new foods! She loves it!

November and deer hunting with dad for the first time (well first time he was old enough to shoot)...saw a few but didn't get one this year! But they still had fun!

Startin' to really motor around now! Watch out Austin and Bayleann your toys will not be safe for long!

8 months old already! What a beautiful little Zoey!

We had a wonderful family Thanksgiving and the next day we ventured out for the annual trip to get the Moen Christmas tree.  It was alittle cold but we bundled up and had a blast....even Zoey didn't mind the cold or the fact that she was so bundled she could hardly move!

Happy Birthday Booger! The big 11 already!

New jammies and waiting for Santa to come! Zoey's first Christmas was so much fun...she is old enough to get a kick out of everything! Especially getting into the presents :o)

Zoey made a new furry friend when she visited with Adrianne one day when we didn't have daycare and mom had to work....Teal wasn't quite sure of her at first but warmed right up to her after a little bit....unfortunely for Teal-Zoey isn't at the stage yet where she would drop food for her...she was hoping!

Well that's all folks! Hope you all have a great new year with lots of pictures and great memories!
Happy 2013!

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