Love is the glue that gets u together for the lesson....

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

Bet you can't guess what that title means??? :o) Yup someone in our house turned the 7 on Monday....

Happy Birthday to our favorite little Peanut!  Seven years ago you were just joining us in this big world and now you are growing into such a beautiful little girl.  You are so kind and loveable, so full of energy and mischief...but you want to know the best thing? You are ours!!! :o) And we love you so very much and we are so proud of everything you have accomplished so far in your seven years and look forward to everything's that's yet to come!

The day started out "grand" (as peanut says)...Austin and I woke her up with a tickle attack! Then she got to pick out a dress for school (of course) and we gave her birthday spankin's.  She got to bring treats to school for her friends and she got to go up on the stage during the all school assembly for the birthday's of the week.  And this was all in the morning! After school she went with mom to Austin's basketball practice-she couldn't go home yet since Dad was baking her a birthday cake with pink frosting!  She added the sprinkles when she came home-she didn't want us to write on it and cover up the beautiful pink cake-wow! When she finally snuggled under her covers she said she had had a great birthday and was wondering if she could do it all over again tomorrow! :o)
The birthday girl!

Daddy stopped and got our special girl some flowers and balloon...that made her day!

Dad got her with some frosting!

Classic peanut excitement!

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