Love is the glue that gets u together for the lesson....

Friday, December 28, 2012


December is always a busy but memorable month in our household...Seems like we are constantly going in a million different directions and than all of a sudden it's the new year! There was tons of smiles, pictures, cookies, & memories.  We celebrated some awesome annual traditions and we dug some off the shelf and dusted them off to try them out again this year.  This time of year holds a special place in our lives....

Our little dancer was SO AWESOME at her Christmas show again this year.  Being a member of the newly formed competition team for her age meant she did a melody number with some older kids this year.  They looked so cute all in their matching snowsuits! And of course Bayleann was so happy that they were bright pink.  She had to perform in all three shows this year-which was great and a pain since we had some awful weather that day. Thank you to everyone that ventured out to watch our special dancers! They appreciate you!  We had to get their early and left late and drove 20 miles an hour most of the way home! YUCKY! But it was worth it :o)

One thing about Bayleann, when she dances she lights up the stage and has the biggest, most beautiful smile on her face.  Brings back so many wonderful memories of another time, and another little dancer....Only this time I'm the proud momma in the audience with the biggest smile on my face to match hers!

When Rudolph and Frosty came out they broke out into some hip hop dancin' ...that was Bayleann's favorite part!

A proud momma! I got to hang out behind the scenes for the day...was in charge of all the little pink snowsuits as a backstage mom. That is alot of work! :o)

We got home and Daddy, brother, and lil Zo Zo had gotten our dancer some beautiful colored daises for a job well done!

After Bayleann's dance show it seemed like the rest of the month came so quickly! One morning as I was getting everyone ready I buckled Zoey in and was about to leave when I realized I hadn't done her hair yet!
We call this one the..."I haven't had my morning coffee yet" look!

Cookies, Cookies and more Cookies...We spent the better part of a Sunday making yummy age old recipes...The kids were racing to see who could get mom's candy cane dough rolled out into worms first...Peanut was the red and Booger was the white.

He likes to steal bites of dough!

We made Grandma Judy's yummy sugar cut-out cookies...There is not a better sugar cookie recipe in this world! The dough is even yummy! These cookies are a tradition in our household and there are many tummies that are thankful we make them every year :o)  The last chuck of dough is always made into a big cookie for Santa...this year it turned out to be a Xmas tree....It was quite a site when finished.

Austin is in Fifth grade this year and they do a Christmas program. This year it was hilarious! They were a bunch of kids that got stuck in school for the xmas break because of a snow storm :o) And I'd have to say Austin did actually sing :o) These kids have so much personality-they are a hoot!

Look at that face!

The next day was Bayleann's Christmas party in her classroom...I got there around noon and oh boy they were already sugared up!  Here Bayleann is with Ms. Trish making cookies (she was a mom helper that day with me-she helped each kid make a cookie, frost it and of course gobble it up!) Her daughter and Peanut are friends-they just moved here this year from the cities-A great family-we have a blast with them!

Organized Chaos!

My project with the kiddos was making Reindeer Food.  I made up the jars at home and then we filled them with all sorts of yummy treats for Santa's Reindeer. 
Potato Chips-careful not to add to many, dancer gained 7 lbs last year!
Flying Poweder-special ingredient (cocanut)
Oats-A must for any good Reindeer diet
Red Glitter-To add some sparkle so the Reindeer can see it from the sky
Silver Glitter-Since Comet is color blind-poor guy!
Then the kids get to sprinkle it outside for the Reindeer on Christmas Eve....

The main highlight of the afternoon was a visit from Santa! It didn't take long once he was in the building for the word to spread around.  It was so wonderful to see the wide eyed looks on the kids faces-so often we hear Holidays in the schools not Christmas but that day Santa brought some major CHRISTMAS CHEER to the kids of our school! And yes his beard is real!
Thank you Santa for taking time out of your busy schedule to visit us! (psst...thanks Kelly for giving me Santa's north pole phone number!)

Bayleann made a beeline when he entered her classroom :o)

Even the big kids of the school got a kick out of Santa Claus :o) Booger still believes!

The Reindeer the first graders made that day!

Santa Baby! Zoey had to taste test some of her presents before opening them :o)

One of our yearly traditions is the kids get to open one present before going off to jammies! They look forward to them every year.

All comfy in our new jammies...ready to go to bed and wait for Santa....

Letters to Santa are waiting...

Reindeer food is ready to be sprinkled.....

Some chilled milk and a big yummy cookie awaits Santa....

No coal in our stocking this year.....we are Happy, Happy, Happy!

Remember that present Zoey was taste testing....well it was a cuddly lil pink sock monkey!

Now peanut can keep up with her brother....she's a better shot too!

Oh boy! A John Deere Tractor Pillow Pet! The world is complete! may think why is Austin smiling at a tupperware cup? Well if you have ever watched the show Duck Dynasty you instantly know about Si's teacup.  This show has become an all time favorite in our household-it is hilarious. Of course it is a hunting show- and one of the main characters is Si and he carries this green tupperware teacup around with him everywhere he goes.  His mom gave it to him when he was young-it's lasted through the war and all his crazy antics...And now Austin has his own green teacup :o) Not many kids put a cup on their Christmas list :o)

Attack of the sock monkey! Run! Hide!

Oh's just peanut!

All this Christmas is making me sleepy....I think I'll just snuggle up in my new monkey blankie...

Monkies on our heads....monkies on Zoey's jammies....monkies on feet...our house has been taken over by monkies! Oh wait we already had 3! Austin, Bayleann & Zoey!

That's all folks! Way to much excitement for this little one on her First Christmas 2012....

Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! To those around us, or miles away from us we love each and everyone of you.  May our special Grandma angel watch over you as she does us each and every day!

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