Love is the glue that gets u together for the lesson....

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Our little artists...and great big birthday spankings..

Since mid Sept the kids have been involved in a after school enrichment program called Art-N-Books.  They read different books and then make art projects based on what they read.  Austin did it last year and loved it and this year Bayleann was old enough to be in it too...she was pretty excited.  Then this past Monday they had their Art Showcase.   We (the program is run by our parent group) rented the event center here in town, decorated it all up with christmas decorations and the kids art, we had cookies and entertainment.  It was a great end to a great 10 weeks! The kids all dressed up and got treated like "big time artists" and they loved it!

Bayleann in her new dress in front of her art section

Boog with his art

Our host/greeter for the event was Mrs. Duberowski (she was the kindergarten teacher for both the kids-they absolutely loved her! and she retired this year after 35 years of teaching!) and Bayleann was so excited to see her.

Michelle was the teacher for this program-she has so many great ideas and the kids really love the different things she has them try! The other two kids are friends of Bayleann's and Austin's that are the same age and in the program too.

Even Zoey got all dressed up to go to the big art show!

Some of the kids took to the stage and provided some great entertainment (Christmas carols)

The next four pics are some of Austin's projects....they use all different types of materials to make these...the snowman pics the white is shaving cream!

These pics were made with leaves, chalk, and water color stamps

I love this little bear!

Bayleann's art projects...shaving cream snowman, chalk palm tree rainbow...

Another great little bear!

So very proud of you Austin and Bayleann! You two are so talented!

The next day was a another very special day....our baby turned 11!!!!!! We can not believe that he is 11 already-who said he could grow up so fast? We sure didn't! Austin started YBA Basketball that day too, so I took him to practice and when we got home Dad had made him a very special John Deere themed birthday was very tasty! Good job DAD!!!!

Grandma: you'd be proud- he made it just like you taught him....frosting and all!

Austin and Dad had a frosting fight :o)

Happy Birthday Boog! We love you very much, you make us proud each day in all that you do and tackle.  You will go far in this world with your big heart and determination! But always remember you'll never be too big to be our little booger!

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