Love is the glue that gets u together for the lesson....

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thanksgiving...A time for family, togetherness and of course turkey and all the yummy fixings :o) A tator crator anyone? That is Andy's favorite alongside the turkey of course! We had a wonderful day on Thanksgiving-relaxing, eating way too much...the kids had a turkey coloring contest (Dad's hand makes a really good turkey!) Zoey got to eat squash and masked potatoes and loved it!

Bayleann's turkey loves daddy!

The booger bird

Chillin with my big bro...I love her little santa pants! It has a really cute Santa shirt but her lunch landed on it :)

Watchin cartoons

In our jammies....

Gotta have some hot cocoa on a cold turkey day!

On Saturday we went out on the Annual Moen Christmas Search! It was alittle chilly that day, but thankfully not too windy.  One of my clients at work owns a Christmas tree farm between Long Prairie and Grey Eagle and they have the best Christmas trees.  Chuck and Kathy are the sweetest people! It's called Cornerstone Pines.  The kids love riding in the trailer out to the different tree lots...Chuck got a new tractor this year and Austin of course thought it was cool even if it wasn't a John Deere.   Then the search for the perfect tree begins!

Peanut found her favorite.....hint....this is the one we ended up coming home with :o) She was pretty proud.

Zoey was so bundled up she could hardy move but she loved it! This girl is an outdoor princess for sure.

How many Moen's does it take to chop down a Christmas tree?   Evidently three!

Dad had to eventually step in to help carry the tree....otherwise we might still be there :)

What a cute family! The young helper was so nice to take our picture in front of our new tree.

They have a neat little shed that they made into Santa's workshop...there is a model train that runs through the building, a cute little kitchen and wood stove, toys and of course the best attraction...SANTA!

Not sure why this pic got so dark....

Zoey wasn't quite sure who that guy with all the fur on was...but she didn't cry just stared at him....psss Santa she wants a monkey for Christmas :)

It's kinda hard to tell from this picture but our Christmas tree has PINK LIGHTS!!!! YEAH!

Peanut was so worried she was going to tip the tree over!  She was hanging on to Dad for dear life with her other hand...

All done...full of decorations and lights...It's a tree with a whole lot of personality and the best part is our whole house smells of pine!

A decorated Zo Zo ....she loved looking at the pink lights...but thankfully even though she is motoring around now she doesn't seem to interested in grabbing at the least not yet.....there's a whole lot of December left!

Each year on the the night that we bring the tree home we have a campout....the little monkies are tired after a full day of fun! They love doing our campouts in the living room and when we wake up in the morning it's a pancake breakfast with all the yummy fixings!

I'm ready for breakfast....

Introducing Pebbles.....Zoey's hair is getting longer but doesn't quite cooperate and is always in her eyes so now she gets to look like Pebbles with a little pony on her head :o) She looks so cute!

See ya later!
We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving wherever you might have been. 
Andy, Meagan, Austin, Bayleann & Zoey

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