Love is the glue that gets u together for the lesson....

Monday, July 30, 2012


I bet I have your attention with that title now don't I?  Well I won't keep you guessing for too long....both Austin & Bayleann had awesome things happen to them last week.

For our little Booger it was the thrill of getting his first gun that is his alone! We had told him that if he improved a certain amount in both his reading and math this past spring that we would consider getting him his first 20 Guage.  And he did so much better than we even expected-he bypassed the goals we had set for him.  So after summer school was over this past week we took him to Scheels to pick out his gun.....

One happy booger!

Daddy teaching Austin the rules of firearms....that's one thing Andy (and I) strongly believe in...teaching them when they are young the proper way to handle firearms will turn them into responsible adults with firearms!  There are so many people out there that just had a gun to a kid and say shoot-what's sad is we personally know people like this!

Our first shell out of our new gun :o)

Now it's Bayleann's turn to share her big accomplishment with the world! Remember this little peanut? Instead of walking she was always dancing.....she's about 1 1/2 here...

And here in her first Dancin off Broadway dance show...three years old

Showing some dancin attitude!

What a dancin' princess! Well these last few years of practice and her love of dance has paid off for our little the tender age of 6 1/2 Bayleann is now a member of the Dancin off Broadway Competition team!!!!! Our little dancer will be competing this coming fall/spring in two different competitions-one in fargo and one in the cities.  We are so very proud of our little girl! Last week they held tryouts for the new competition team and our lil' dancer showed them she's a star!
We love you Bayleann!
We'll be in the stands cheering so loud that mom will probably lose her voice! So if you are in the area come and join us !

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