Love is the glue that gets u together for the lesson....

Monday, July 16, 2012

Little Hip Hopsters!

                          A night full of cool beats and dancin' feet! 
Each summer the dance studio offers small classes that feature a different style of dance.  Tonight the kids...Austin included....were little hip hop stars!  I'd have to say our kids sure have some talent! :o)  They each learned a dance in under an hour.  Peanut's group performed it for the parents, but Austin's group (since they are older) didn't-so I had to record his through the window from behind.
                                         Here is peanut's dance....

Booger didn't really want to go in at first since he was the only boy in his class but by the end he was talking with the girls.  It was funny afterwards in the truck on the way home he said that they were all staring at him.....I told him that's because they thought he was cute! :o)  A got the normal 10 year old boy response-'really mom-seriously!' ha, if he only knew!

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