Love is the glue that gets u together for the lesson....

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Having Zo- Zo withdrawals???????

             What has that little cutie been up to lately?
                     GROWING WAY TOO FAST!!!!
Our lil' Zoey will be turning 4 months old this Friday already.  As I was finding some new pictures to post tonight I saw all the ones we took when she was born-I couldn't believe how little she looked even tho she was 8.9lbs when she was born! Now she is really coming into her own....her personality, her quirks and best of all her smiles and giggles.  This little girl can light up a room with that smile!  Now all she wants to do is roll around when she's on the floor...don't think it will be long before she figures out how to pull those knees under her to crawl.  During the day at the office she is happy just hangin out with Momma....chillin in her bumbo or snoozin in her little swing. 

Taking a Sunday morning snooze with Daddy

She loves sitting in the bumbo watching her brother & sister play/wrestle....she's waiting for the time when she can get down there and play!

Sleepy Baby

Whatcha talkin about Willis

Hey mom your suppose to be working not takin pictures of me!

It's been a rough day at the office!

1 comment:

  1. Grandpa & Grandma are missing all this, she is growing so fast, we so love looking at the pictures, we miss you kids and love you so much!!!

    Grandpa & Grandma xoxoxoxxo
