Love is the glue that gets u together for the lesson....

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

Bet you can't guess what that title means??? :o) Yup someone in our house turned the 7 on Monday....

Happy Birthday to our favorite little Peanut!  Seven years ago you were just joining us in this big world and now you are growing into such a beautiful little girl.  You are so kind and loveable, so full of energy and mischief...but you want to know the best thing? You are ours!!! :o) And we love you so very much and we are so proud of everything you have accomplished so far in your seven years and look forward to everything's that's yet to come!

The day started out "grand" (as peanut says)...Austin and I woke her up with a tickle attack! Then she got to pick out a dress for school (of course) and we gave her birthday spankin's.  She got to bring treats to school for her friends and she got to go up on the stage during the all school assembly for the birthday's of the week.  And this was all in the morning! After school she went with mom to Austin's basketball practice-she couldn't go home yet since Dad was baking her a birthday cake with pink frosting!  She added the sprinkles when she came home-she didn't want us to write on it and cover up the beautiful pink cake-wow! When she finally snuggled under her covers she said she had had a great birthday and was wondering if she could do it all over again tomorrow! :o)
The birthday girl!

Daddy stopped and got our special girl some flowers and balloon...that made her day!

Dad got her with some frosting!

Classic peanut excitement!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Friday night...courtside....

It was a cold Friday night here in Minnesota...but inside a gym in a small town it was nice-n-toasty and a little loud :o)

To showcase our boys to the local crowd they held a scrimmage during half-time at the B squad game last night.  They only got to play for about 10 minutes but it was long enough for a few baskets to be made and for all the locals to see the up-n-coming talent.  And yes I have to say our little bballer made one of those baskets! Way to go booger! 

It was little hard for them to play against each other-they defiantly didn't put as much gusto into it as they would if they were playing an out of town game.  But it was still good practice and cool for them to play in the hometown gym. 

After they played their scrimmage they got to do something really cool.  The Varsity players got them all gathered up and had them go to center court and did a cheer and let them do lay-ups with them during the varsity warm-ups.  It was so neat to see the high school kids playin' and carin' about the lil kids.  Some of our boys looked so little out there next to the varsity squad.  They had a blast and memories were made once again in the #26 jersey. 

The only difference is Bayleann had to cheer super loud since Momma has no voice...she took over for the both of us! She loves watchin' her big bro!  And she did inform me last night that one day when she's a lil bigger she's going to be out there makin' baskets too! Bring it on Peanut-can't wait!

This boy is quick!

Shooting for 2

He loves to around the outside....give him an open court and he's to the other side in a matter of seconds!

Here they are lining up with the varsity squad to go to center court.....

Doing a big Panther Cheer...gettin pumped up!

Doing lay-ups with the big boys! Next Saturday it's off to another tournament...can't wait!   

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Another Saturday night without a voice!

There are times when a parent can't tell their child enough how proud they are of them.  Austin gave us another one of those days! It seems our children do that so often-we are truly blessed as parents. 

We got to enjoy another Saturday of basketball! I will admit at first when we got the schedule and saw that we would be playing every other Saturday for 2 months I thought ah man that's a lot of running.  BOY WAS I WRONG!!!!! It is so much fun watching these boys play! The team work, the sportsmanship they show-at the tender age that they are they ALL make us proud! When we watch these boys we cheer as loud for each kid as if they were our own-and in a way they all are...most of these boys have been friends since they were in diapers.

This week we got to travel to Ashby and watch 3 more awesome games of bball...and what an improvement these boys made.  They won their first game against Ashby, tied the 2nd game with Underwood and unfortunately lost the last game against Brandon/Evansville.  But let me tell you that first game...when that buzzer went off and the kids realized they had won-they were PUMPED! We all jumped up and cheered and yes I shed a tear :o) Did you expect anything different? And even Dad admitted on the ride home he got choked up too! 

We are such lucky parents to get to share in these milestones with our children...our basketball star...our lil ballerina...and Zoey-well who knows what she will tackle in a few short years..but we will be right there screaming and yes crying too!
We needed to take another group shot...we were missing one of our boys the first game.

Look at that form! This shot made a nice big swish in the basket for 2 points! Ya Booger!

They are all congratulating each other after their big win! This game got them PUMPED UP!

Panthers win!!! 20 points!

Chillin' in between games...watching the 6th graders

Our star #26

The littlest panther cheerleader! This cute little shirt has been passed down since boog was that tiny :o)  

We had some other excitement at our house this week....Peanut lost her FIRST TOOTH! Yes she is almost 7 and this is her first is so tiny :o)  It fell out during the school day and her teacher gave her a little pink tooth box to keep it safe for the tooth fairy....She got a $1.00 :o)

She woke up so excited cuz "Her tooth was gone Momma!!!!"

We haven't had any Zo-Zo shots in awhile...she was cruising around in her diaper the other night...she looks so cute! We just can't believe how big she's gotten already...only a few more short months and we'll be celebrating her first birthday already!!!



See ya! I'm gonna go get into some trouble...hence the horns! :o)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

What An Awesome Day!!!!

Today was frickin' awesome!

 As we were driving this morning, the sun not even up yet, the car packed with the whole family, camera, snacks, a loaded diaper bag :o) I thought to myself how did our son get this old already.  Driving to different towns for games already! WOW! Austin started YBA basketball a few weeks ago, practicing twice a week-they are separated into two groups 5th & 6th graders.  And today was our first set of games.  They call them tournaments but there isn't any tiered just play the teams on your schedule for that day.

We started out kinda rough, these 5th grade boys having never played against other kids before.  But by the third game of the day they were playin awesome! I haven't yelled so much since summer baseball! My throat is seriously sore now :o) and poor Andy had a hard time watching at times-being a ex-basketball star ya know...he's all technical and we had a crappy ref in our third game. These kids played their hearts out and it showed.  Boog will sleep good tonight, he pretty much played throughout all three games.  We have 9 kids on the 5th grade team so they can rotate some in and out.  We played Osakis, Brandon/Evansville, and Sauk Centre at Sauk Centre.  They have 3 more "tournaments" before the season is over...

It was awesome to see all the parents and grandparents there supporting our boys! Thanks Grandma & Grandpa for coming today!
Our Panther Basketball Star

Showing off those muscles

The team!

She was cheering so hard that she had to take a nap for a bit :o) It didn't even phase her when we yelled right next to her!

Supporting her big bro!

Being goofy with Eric while the 6th Graders were playin...

Austin played mainly the point guard and post today...did I already say he did awesome?

My favorite pic of the day....look at that kid-giving 110% he said he was channeling his inner Michael Jordan!