Love is the glue that gets u together for the lesson....

Monday, July 30, 2012


I bet I have your attention with that title now don't I?  Well I won't keep you guessing for too long....both Austin & Bayleann had awesome things happen to them last week.

For our little Booger it was the thrill of getting his first gun that is his alone! We had told him that if he improved a certain amount in both his reading and math this past spring that we would consider getting him his first 20 Guage.  And he did so much better than we even expected-he bypassed the goals we had set for him.  So after summer school was over this past week we took him to Scheels to pick out his gun.....

One happy booger!

Daddy teaching Austin the rules of firearms....that's one thing Andy (and I) strongly believe in...teaching them when they are young the proper way to handle firearms will turn them into responsible adults with firearms!  There are so many people out there that just had a gun to a kid and say shoot-what's sad is we personally know people like this!

Our first shell out of our new gun :o)

Now it's Bayleann's turn to share her big accomplishment with the world! Remember this little peanut? Instead of walking she was always dancing.....she's about 1 1/2 here...

And here in her first Dancin off Broadway dance show...three years old

Showing some dancin attitude!

What a dancin' princess! Well these last few years of practice and her love of dance has paid off for our little the tender age of 6 1/2 Bayleann is now a member of the Dancin off Broadway Competition team!!!!! Our little dancer will be competing this coming fall/spring in two different competitions-one in fargo and one in the cities.  We are so very proud of our little girl! Last week they held tryouts for the new competition team and our lil' dancer showed them she's a star!
We love you Bayleann!
We'll be in the stands cheering so loud that mom will probably lose her voice! So if you are in the area come and join us !

Monday, July 16, 2012

Little Hip Hopsters!

                          A night full of cool beats and dancin' feet! 
Each summer the dance studio offers small classes that feature a different style of dance.  Tonight the kids...Austin included....were little hip hop stars!  I'd have to say our kids sure have some talent! :o)  They each learned a dance in under an hour.  Peanut's group performed it for the parents, but Austin's group (since they are older) didn't-so I had to record his through the window from behind.
                                         Here is peanut's dance....

Booger didn't really want to go in at first since he was the only boy in his class but by the end he was talking with the girls.  It was funny afterwards in the truck on the way home he said that they were all staring at him.....I told him that's because they thought he was cute! :o)  A got the normal 10 year old boy response-'really mom-seriously!' ha, if he only knew!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

The end of Baseball, Fun in the sun/water and Zo Zo Bean!

Can't believe that June has come and gone already....and now as I type this July is almost half over too! Where is this summer going?  June was filled with sun, fun, and lots of baseball.  Austin's traveling team did awesome this summer-winning the majority of their games at home and away. 
We played teams from Verndale, Bertha, Henning, Battle Lake, Wadena, Deer Creek & New York Mills.  Ending the season with a tournament in Mills this past Thursday.  It was warm but the boys did great-winning two out of their three games and ending up capturing 3rd place in the tourney! They had a blast, you could tell it was the season ending day as they really amp'd up the teamwork! That is one thing that really gets me about this team, the boys and parents combined-the teamwork and the sportsmanship.  No matter who is up to bat or in the outfield there is always someone cheering them on-whether it be a fellow teammate or a parent.  I know I usually lost my voice at each game & my hands hurt from clapping to much! :o)

Bayleann ended her summer baseball season also in the beginning of July-they just played games amongst themselves, there was enough kids to play each day.  I was surprised tho there was only 5 girls this summer playing on the 1st grade team.  She really showed off her abilities this summer.  Her speed and strength is quite awesome! 

Here's some pictures from our last few baseball adventures.........

Getting a line drive against Battle Lake

Rounding third going for home!

We ended up beating Battle Lake that day even though the tempature was close to 95 degrees! We had to make sure they had plenty of water.

Getting a run against Henning!

2012 Team-4th & 5th graders

Zoey cheering on Austin with Jodi at the tournament. Zoey was a constant cheerleader at all of the games this summer!  She already loves the outdoors.

Getting a run in the tournament

The 3rd place winning team! At the tournament only the 5th graders and a couple 4th graders play.  We are so proud of these boys!  They are winners in every way!

Attacking their coaches.....they were going to dump the gatorade cooler on them than decided against it since they still had to ride the bus home :o)

Team talk after the last game

Our little baseball star!

Got a double

The third base players were not really paying attention!

Home run for the peanut!

For fun the other night we had Moen Movie night....the kids had tickets that cost $.50 to get in....they found their money and paid for their tickets (of course mom put their money back when they fell asleep) and we went in the basement and watched a movie.  A couple years ago santa gave the family a movie projector.  You hook it to a tv or computer and play the dvd and it projects it on the wall. We made a huge bowl of popcorn and watched a old classic cartoon....Beetle Bailey that we found at a thrift store! The kids thought it was cool (especially when we told them we used to watch that cartoon when we were small!)

Water wars anyone?

Stick em up dad!

Austin: Squirt gun high-powered of course...
Dad: Water hose...
Who do you think won that war!

Guess who is 3 months old already!! Can't believe that-not sure where that time went...seems like yesterday I was waddling (yes I waddled!) around waiting for Zoey to make her appearance and now she's so active! She is a very smiley baby.....not too much gets her angry.  Unless she's hungry or she wants some attention!


Her favorite monkey!

Zoey's first 4wheeler ride with Daddy! She seemed to like it :o)

Princess Zoey!

Catch ya later gators!