Love is the glue that gets u together for the lesson....

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Ah Summer!

I can't believe that the school year is over already.  It seems like just yesterday we were dropping them off for their first day.  Austin a 4th grader and our little Bayleann in kindergarten.  Now they have graduated their grades and are moving on!  We were so lucky this year that both our kids had awesome teachers.  Thank you Mrs. Olson & Mrs. Duberowski!

Now it seems that even though school is out the calendar is still filling up with activites! Pretty soon I'll be writing about the school year again.  Hold on the summer will go so fast!

Here some pics from the end of the year and some little fuzzy friends that are at our house :)

Having a good old time on the Kindergarten field trip....

Peanut & her buddy Joey

Class of 2024! Wow does that even seem real!


Last day of school 2012

Boog & his teacher Mrs. Olson....he really liked her! She's having her first baby in August...Good luck Mrs. Olson-can't wait to meet baby :o)

Peanut & Mrs. Duberowski.....peanut was excited that school was over but that morning she said mom....can I take Mrs. Duberowski with me to 1st grade?  No honey she is retiring this year....but mom she can't quit teaching she's too good! Ah Peanut! We love you Mrs. D we will miss you!

Austin's spring music program....he played "a kid" I know oringinal....the play was about kids not knowing how to have fun without technology.  It was great!

Dad went with for the 4th grade field trip to the state park....he had a blast with that crazy group!

Class of 2020! Wow that seems unreal!

A few days after Zoey was born we had some other births in our household....Our chesapeakes Molly & Petey became parents to 9 little pups.  They are all brown little fuzz balls! We are keeping one lil boy Austin named Gauge (he's the pup shown with Austin on the swing below).  They are so cute and such good little puppies! I'd keep them all if Andy would let me :o)

1 comment:

  1. OHHHH MYY GOSHHHHH!!!! They are the cutest puppies!!! Oh my gosh, I'll ask Spanky and see if he'll let me keep one. :)
