Love is the glue that gets u together for the lesson....

Monday, December 26, 2011

Gingerbread Houses-Twinkle Toes & Some Santa's Ho Ho Ho

I got to spend a Friday afternoon in December with Bayleann in her classroom for the annual Gingerbread making day....The kids were having so much fun spreading frosting on the gingerbread houses (along with licking the spatula after each dip) and decorating it will all sorts of sweet treats.

Peanut with her custom made chef's hat for the occasion

The finished house....looks good enough to eat :o)
Bayleann had her winter dance show on December 17th...she was so excited.  The girls had worked so hard perfecting their Marshmellow World dance.  Bayleann danced like the little princess she is! First we had rehearsal on Thursday so they could get used to the stage again.

Dad getting a close up.....she kinda looks like a deer in the headlights

She was so patient while mom curled each little strand of hair on her head and sprayed the crap out of it with mega hold hair spray! Thank god she has shorter hair this year!!!!!

Droppin her off back stage with her group.  She looks so cute in her costume and she was so excited to get on that stage and dance!  When we are at these shows she is in her glory. Reminds me alot of myself at that age!

They keep them pretty busy backstage while the other groups are performing...coloring, puzzles, games galore.
These are the pictures that make me smile...Monie & Bayleann-two wonderful dancers!

Monie may be in her 70's but you would never know it by the way she acts on stage! She is by far the most energetic of the group!

Marshmellow World! When we see her on stage dancin her little heart out we both get alittle emotional...our little dancer! we cheer so loud i think she can actually hear us up on stage!!

2011 Christmas Tree

The two very anxious kids waiting for Santa to come...Austin could have opened his eyes!

Fresh out of the bath tub in their robes watching dad put ut the prezels for the reindeer!

Each year ever since Austin was tiny the kids get new jammies just for Christmas and that is the first present they get to open before going to sleep...they look forward to their Christmas jammies!

Santa Came!!!!!!

Don't they look sweet! Our little monkies!

This is actually more the norm for these two!

Waiting patiently to open her presents!

Santa got him some legos!!!!
Last year for Christmas Bayleann so wanted a Unicorn Pillow Pet...which she got and has slept on every night since...this year she got the little unicorn pillow pet...she was one happy kiddo!

A pee wee Moose Pillow Pet...he was happy!

Snuggled like little buggies in a ruggy

Lego Man!
A ballet slipper pinata to hang as a decoration in Bayleann's looks so cool! Perfect for our litle dancer
Little unicorn pillow pet slippers

This year Austin really wanted a Moose Pillow Pet...which of course was harder to find but mom prevailed! He was so happy when that box was opened!

Out cold after a busy night of munchin' on goodies, opening presents and just having fun! The sad part is that another Christmas is behind us already....time is going way to fast! Our little monkies are getting too big too fast!

This was in my stocking....A little gator rattle for the bean! Andy stuck it in there. You press the tail and the head vibrates...when I saw that in there I almost cried-he was so thoughtful remembering the bean before it even gets here!  I think he was wondering if his wife had finally lost it-since I was so into this little gator :o)

We wish everyone a very Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year! Even though another xmas has blow past-the memories last forever! Love you all & thanks for checking in on our lives every now and then.  Coming soon some pictures of the bean! It will be here before we know it!

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