Love is the glue that gets u together for the lesson....

Friday, December 30, 2011

Getting to know the BEAN :o)

Well the bean will be here before we know it! I'd have to say that this is the longest and the shortest pregnancy we've had.  With all the worries in the beginning, it seemed like it was taking forever to get over the "hump" of we are on the down slide and it does seem to be flying by.  Now with the busy season for me at work approaching the months will really go by fast.  The bean is supposed to make it's big arrival on April keep in mind that neither Austin or Bayleann ever showed up when they were "supposed" to :)

As of right now the bean is just a bean...not a girly bean or a boy bean....the only people who know are God and the bean itself!  Not sure if it will stay that way...can't promise- for now the answer in safely sealed in a envelope.

With all the worries in the beginning they were checking and ultrasounding me every week for the first 3 months..I picked some of the better pictures to share.  Now we are on a more normal schedule.

This is one of the first pictures we got of the can see a oval shaped area and then a little dark spot toward the top-that is the embryo sack.  It was the first sign we got that the baby was growing safely in the right spot!

The kids got a kick out of this picture...they said it looked like a little laughing animal.  It kinda does :o)

Here is the bean looking more like a actual baby! The head is to the far left and the tummy to the can kinda see the little arms and it has its legs kinda tucked underneath itself...

This is the most recent pic...right before xmas.  It is blurry cuz it's a close up of the head....look in the middle of the pic you can see the the jaw and teeth, eye and roundness of the top of the head.

Gotta love these types of pictures....I personally don't like my belly hangin out there but the kids love looking at how it changes. Bayleann especially likes my funny belly button! By child #3 the belly may never look the same again! ha! But I wouldn't trade my kids for a normal looking button!

The kids love trying to see if they can feel the baby kicking me..Andy likes to torment it and me with cold hands and poking my tummy.  When he used to do that to Bayleann she'd kick him right back! Somehow I always got the raw end of that little battle!  This little bean is very active & likes to move around.  Getting exciting!

GOTTA GIVE A SHOUT OUT TO OUR FAVORITE 4TH GRADER!!!!! Austin made the December HONOR ROLE in his class! We are so proud of our little booger! Way to go kiddo keep up the good work!

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