Love is the glue that gets u together for the lesson....

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First day of school!

Well it's that time again....It's the first day of school! I can't believe that summer went by so quick-the kids have been excited to get back with their friends and the routine of school...especially Bayleann.

Today we dropped off a 4th grader and a new Kindergartener! Wow how the time has flown... I promised myself  I wouldn't cry this morning & I actually made it out of the school without a tear....but I was kinda on the inside :o) Here's to a wonderful school year to the best kiddos in the whole wide world! Love Mom & Dad
Getting our gear ready this morning....

It was alittle chilly this morning!

Sporting some pretty cool backpacks! Hello Kitty for Bayleann & Camo for Austin (shocking I know-didn't see that one coming!)

Outside the school....Can you tell Austin is already tired of mom and her pictures....

Our favorite Panther Kids Club leader! Ms. Stephanie!

Austin with his 4th grade teacher Mrs. Olson

Bayleann with her Kindergarten teacher Mrs. Duberowski...she's wearing her new tennis shoes that light up (she's in love with them!) and her new ballet slipper shirt.  All pinked up for the first day!

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