Love is the glue that gets u together for the lesson....

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Game Fair 2011

It was that time again this year...our annual trip to Game Fair in Anoka-one of the largest hunting shows in the state.  We took Austin and one of Andy's hunting buddies Pat.  We had a great time walking around seeing all the exhibits.  Here are some pictures from that day.  The video is of Austin and Barnie Calef-who is a 3 time world duck calling champion & a hero to the boys.  We went to chat with him again this year...he remembered Austin and his mohawk hair do.  He was showing Austin some tips for calling and handed him one of his calls to try...then decided to give it to him along with his instructional video.  WOW what a lucky little boy!
Petting the baby rescue deer

Getting his face painted camo

Austin & Barnie showin off their BIG GUNS!

He does this to Austin every year..

Holding one of Barnie's World Champion Trophies...Since Austin had won a local calling contest a few years ago and was telling Barnie about it he thought Austin should take a picture with a big trophy.

Austin was loving this! He walked away in did his Dad :o)  And needless to say that video has been played alot already!  See ya next year Barnie!

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