Love is the glue that gets u together for the lesson....

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Bayleann's new look!!!

Ok I know two posts in one day...can ya handle it :o)

Anyway Bayleann wants to share some exciting news with the world.....remember how she had a FULL and I mean FULL head of hair....
this is from her dance recital in may 11'
now our little peanut looks like this......

About a week ago she was looking a  picture of my mom and she asked about her hair...well in that picture mom is wearing a wig (at the time she was going through chemo).  She thought about this alittle and said "Is it real"  meaning real hair and I said yes it is....they have a company that gets donations from people that cut their hair so they can make wigs for people who are sick...

Well about an hour later she said "Mommy can I do that with my hair?" I said of course but that means you would have to cut quite a bit off.  She said ok and went to get the scissors....I almost started to cry (ok I did alittle!)
I told her mom can't cut it but we can go to the salon and have it done. So yesterday we went to our friend Heidi and she got a new do! Bayleann told Heidi exactly what she wanted-
She cut off 15 INCHES-she hasn't had a hair cut since she was two!

Off with the tail!

she's dancin with Heidi when she's blow drying her head! What a putz!

Her donation of hair to Lock of Love!

The back...

And the tail!

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