Love is the glue that gets u together for the lesson....

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Bayleann's new look!!!

Ok I know two posts in one day...can ya handle it :o)

Anyway Bayleann wants to share some exciting news with the world.....remember how she had a FULL and I mean FULL head of hair....
this is from her dance recital in may 11'
now our little peanut looks like this......

About a week ago she was looking a  picture of my mom and she asked about her hair...well in that picture mom is wearing a wig (at the time she was going through chemo).  She thought about this alittle and said "Is it real"  meaning real hair and I said yes it is....they have a company that gets donations from people that cut their hair so they can make wigs for people who are sick...

Well about an hour later she said "Mommy can I do that with my hair?" I said of course but that means you would have to cut quite a bit off.  She said ok and went to get the scissors....I almost started to cry (ok I did alittle!)
I told her mom can't cut it but we can go to the salon and have it done. So yesterday we went to our friend Heidi and she got a new do! Bayleann told Heidi exactly what she wanted-
She cut off 15 INCHES-she hasn't had a hair cut since she was two!

Off with the tail!

she's dancin with Heidi when she's blow drying her head! What a putz!

Her donation of hair to Lock of Love!

The back...

And the tail!

Happy Father's Day

I know it was last Sunday but I'm just getting around to getting the pictures on here...Want to wish my wonderful husband a Happy Father's Day!
The kids woke him up with their cards and hugs-n-kisses then we made a special breakfast and ate outside on our new patio set.  It was an awsome morning!  It was actually our first meal on our new furniture -
We had gone to a garage sale out in the boonee's a week ago and while Andy & the kids waited patiently in the truck (yes that day we drove the truck for some reason-glad we did!) I was loading up on clothes for Bayleann (they had tons of great clothes cheap just her size! JACKPOT!) and there was this table and chairs that was marked $45.00 and I thought hey that's a good deal....well got Andy to come look at it and he's just shrugged his shoulders & didn't really care. So I went to pay and said we'll take the table/chairs and the lady said ok $30.00! I almost did a happy dance in her garage! So we bought the set put it on the deck and the next morning Andy was the first one to sit & eat something out there.....even though he complained when he had to load the thing!
Giving Dad some love!

Austin didn't want pictures...he wanted food!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Andy's Snow Goose Hunt-March 2011

So I said earlier that I was going to post some of the pictures from the snow goose hunt Andy got to go on this past spring....haven't done it and Andy is getting impatient! :o) Love you dear! So here are the pics from that hunt....He went out to Ipswich South Dakota in March & hunted with a cool group of guys-they had a good time.  This is something that was on Andy's "bucket" list- and I'm sure he'll be going back there next year again.
I was impressed he got one of the other guys to take a picture of
the kill for the day...He's a pretty proud man!

The guys split up the kill & these are the geese Andy came home with.

Austin told Dad that he's going with next year!

This guy is going to be flying from our ceiling soon-lucky bird!

This guy too-couldn't let the first one get lonely now could we!

The kids helpin Dad clean thing that is cool about snow geese their feathers are SOOOOO soft and fluffy.  I would have loved to keep them and make a pillow or something.

Hard at it!

What hams.

Giving the dead goose some love :)

Friday, June 3, 2011

Happy Birthday Mom!

Happy Birthday to our favorite angel! There isn't a day that goes by that we don't miss you! You are forever in our hearts!

We love you Mom! We love you Grandma Judy!