Love is the glue that gets u together for the lesson....

Friday, June 21, 2013

Baseball...sunburns....summer is finally here!

Yup I think that summer has finally arrived! YEAH!!

We can finally break out the summer gear and enjoy the sunshine.  Our last few weeks have been full of outdoor fun!  And yes a few sunburned body parts on mom! Never fails-even with sunscreen :o) Unlike my children who seems to tan beautifully even with sunscreen on! So not fair!!!!

We've gotten to enjoy many games of baseball for both Bayleann and Austin during the last few weeks.  For Austin we travel one day a week for a game and he has a home game each week too.  Bayleann gets to play at home all the time.  She's getting to be a pretty good hitter-not having to use the T at all any more.  Austin has had some great hits too lately...a few double's and triple's.  We just love watching them having a blast on and off the field!

The kid's fancy Panther shirts this year :o)

Getting ready.....

First swing...missed......

Connected...little grounder that got her to second!

Got a homer!

Zoey having a snack during Bayleann's game

This last Wednesday was warm and sunny...Austin was watching from the nearby tree

Getting to third!

Just chillin! Can't let go of her snack tho :o)

We got a Zo Zo in the tree!


Got a double against Deer Creek

Warming up against Wadena last Thursday...Another warm sunny day at the ball park!

Another double!

Having fun with her friends at Austin's game.

We got a swing at a sale for Zoey....she absolutely loves it! She would sit in that thing for hours if we'd let her.  She doesn't even mind going higher and higher each time!

Hangin with Dad

75 mph winds + swing set = fallin swing set! 
Was pretty surprised Friday morning when we woke up this mess in our front yard.  That swing set has been standing for almost 10 years and survived much worse winds out on the prairie-but not this time-must have it hit it just right!

Oh no Zoey's swing!!!!!! She's not a happy camper!

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