Love is the glue that gets u together for the lesson....

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

It's that time of year again.....

School starts, the leaves start to change and that means hunting starts.  This is the time that the boys look so forward to and as with everything it always seems to go by so quickly.  Getting up at the crack of dawn, getting the decoys ready, hunkerin down in the blinds or boat waiting for the sunrise and sight of birds.  It's in a way a rite of passage-dad passing down his hunting skills to his son and maybe someday daughters.  While mom smiles and takes pictures of the whole experience.  I may not hunt but I also love hunting season....because I love what it means to my boys :o)
Daddy's & Booger's....makes a momma smile

If you remember about a month ago Austin got his first 20 Guage....he worked hard for his gun and really earned it.  And this goose-is his first prize with HIS gun! Way to go Boog!

Bayleann is a little princess all wrapped up in pink and tu-tu's with that take no prisioners not afraid of nothin attitude....she will go far in this world.  She loves to get her hands in the geese when the boys come home.

Boogers goose

Two peas in a pod

Checking out the tongue....

Gotta clean the geese

I got alittle too close to the action!

I love hunting!

This is what memories between a father and son are made of....

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Wow a 5th grader and 1st grader!

After writing that title I had to stop and say to myself "self-where did that time go?" It seems like just a few years ago we were dropping Austin off at Kindergarten and now he's a 5th GRADER! Holy cow! And little miss Bayleann a big girl now in 1st grade-she was so excited for school today that she went to bed early and was awake at the crack of dawn this morning ready to go...she didn't even want to eat breakfast she just wanted to get to school.  I would have to say that I did not cry this morning! Pretty proud of myself :o) Andy, Zoey and I took them in this morning so we could get some pics with their teachers and give them good bye kisses (yes even Boog let me give him a hug and kiss)

Yes I fed them fruit loops for the first day of school! :o) Nothing wrong with that!

When I was taking this picture Boog asked me if I was going to do this every year til he graduated and of course I said YES!!


Boog's teacher Mr. Denny...he was the teacher to get according to all the kids! He is awesome with them and I think Boog's going to have  a great year!

Bayleann and Mrs. Kellen....she is also a terrific teacher! Has a wonderful way with the kiddos.  Bayleann is so excited to be in her class!

Well it's off to bed with these little Panthers! Tomorrow is another day of school!