Love is the glue that gets u together for the lesson....

Monday, June 25, 2012

A lazy monkey & a curious otter.....

Every summer there are certain things that we look forward too-these times come around each year kinda like a birthday or christmas.  One of those special days is our trip to the zoo.  This year we woke up to cloudy skies and the chance of rain...but we knew that it had to clear up-it couldn't ruin our trip to the zoo!  And sure enough we did travel through some rain drops but when we got there the skis cleared up and the sun was bright.  It was off to the see the animals we went.
The cutest monkies in the whole place!

These guys were so funny, they were making faces at us and just loungin around looking completely lazy!

we had to have this pic...we're fans of swamp people!

Austin loves eagles and always loves to see them each year and this yer on the big nest was a little hen mallard nesting

Zoey in her stroller cruisin around the zoo

Chasin the peacock down the trail

Pinky is petting the pink piggies! ha! couldn't resist

Here's our curious Mr. Otter-his partner in crime was snoozing over in the sun.  But this guy played with the kids for quite awhile.  Swimming back and forth and doing dives and flips.  Ever since Bayleann was little she has been in love with Otters. 

Zoey with her little zoo monkey....A fuzzy monkey for a cute little monkey!

Can't leave the zoo without a ride on the carousel

Since we had so much fun with the live otter at the zoo we had to take the kids to the big cement otter!  This guy was alittle disappointing cuz he didn't do any tricks!

To end the fun day we had was an awesome sunset back over our lake!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

All American Summer Fun

                   Love, Austin-Bayleann-Zoey-Mommy

What is more American than summer, baseball, puppies and a baby? Ok some of that isn't really American but it has been what our lives have been full of lately! It always seems like there is a sadness when the school year ends and the kids ask themselves what am I going to do all day?

While school is out for the summer here in Parkers Prairie but that doesn't mean the pace has slowed down any! We started our summer baseball season for both lil monkies and Austin also has basketball each week. Austin's baseball team has games twice a week-Tuesday's at home and Thursday's we travel & he practices twice a week too.  Bayleann just plays at home twice a week on Mondays & Wednesdays. 

So we are going everyday! And little Zoey just tags along for the ride.  I am so blessed with being able to take the mornings off to go and watch the kids do their activities, I get the best of both worlds.
Our first day of baseball....we got her that pink glove years ago long before it fit her hand and now she finally gets to use it!

Makin sure she got the ball....her and Mason had it covered!

This is my favorite picture so far of her playing...There are only 4 girls playing ball this year for their age group and this little one makes sure that she keeps up with the boys.  I really think that her being in dance for the past 3 years has helped her so much with her speed & agility. Here she tackles that grounder with a revenge!

I'll set up the story of these next 3 pictures...Up above she hit a pop fly and is running toward first base...than #2 she realizes that Zach has the ball at first so she reaches out to stop him from touching her with the ball so she starts to slide into #3 she gets under neath them and gets to the base. The coach let her be safe since she tried so hard at it :o) That's my girl!

The kids' #1 cheerleader next to their mom & dad! She watches for awhile and than snoozes or awhile...what a trooper!

Lil Booger getting ready to kill that ball!

And there is goes.....

These next few are from their first traveling game...we went to Bertha to play.  It was nice and warm that day too!

Running towared home and going to slide even if I didn't need to :o)


This is their first home game against Deer Creek.... Which was kinda interesting since Deer Creek only showed up with 4 players (not even enough for a team) so we lent them some of our guys so that we could play...Parkers won of course but they played hard against each other which was neat to see the great sportsmanship that was showed!

Rounding third going for home!

The kids and dad went down to the lake to feed the geese...they took Gauge with to play...Austin sure loves that puppy!

Peanut boots.....

Took Gauge swimming for the first time...He was alittle nervous of the water since he's not very tall yet...but he took to it quickly and loved it...

A soggy puppy but still a very kissable puppy!  That face is so darn cute!

Now comes some cute pictures of our Zo-Zo Bean!  Takin a tubby....when her hair is wet it has some cute lil' curls

Morning sunshine!  She is so smiley in the morning...The cradle that she is in was made for me when I was born by my grandpa.  It has been loved by all our kids :o)

Peek A Boo!  Enjoying some tummy time on our pillow.

Got sick of being on my I'm just chillin'