Love is the glue that gets u together for the lesson....

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Awesome Baby Shower!!!!

A few Sunday's ago a couple of my favorite scrappin buddies threw me and the bean a baby shower at our church in Parkers.  It was so much fun....Bayleann was my little helper all day. There was great friends, CAKE :o), little monkies all over, presents for the bean and most of all love!  The reason I say love is that there were people we care about there to share the special day, Kelly & Lynn put sososososo much love into all that they did to prepare for the day and they made me feel so special :o) love you guys!

For some reason with this baby we have fallen in love with when the girls planned the shower theme they used that.  The cake is in the form of a "Barrel of Monkies"

The centerpiece was all 'usable' it was full of scrappin stuff, wash clothes, baby spoons, little bath animals.  Lynn had so much fun making stuff!

Instead of a diaper cake Lynn designed a Diaper Cycle...This monkey had a cool ride!

Me and my special helper...all dressed up and a very proud little girl :o)

My corsage was a monkey bath scrubbers with baby spoons and little pacifiers.
The girls hard at work!

Helpin open the presents....

Jodi made this awesome blanket out of fleecy material and it's covered in camo monkies!

You don't realize how big your belly is until you have it in picture form! this is getting to be a very big bean!

The baby bullet and a king sized box of diapers and wipes! The bullet is a baby food maker that is so awesome! Can't wait to try it out.

This a cute oneise with a mini oneise for the scrapbook...Kelly thinks it's a boy bean....and no we have not found out what the bean is!

The next few pictures are of all the stuff the bean got...clothes, blankets, lotions, monkies that make noise, bibs, crib sheets, lil socks, pacifiers.

Lotions, shampoos, wipes, diapers, travel care kit, scrappin stuff, books, camo blankie & bottles, underneath everything is a boopie pillow.

Washclothes & duckie towels, pull toys, crib pads, and Grandma Mary made a deal that works as a high chair strap when you are at a restuarant or out n straps to the chair and allows the bean to sit tight :)

Our monkey diaper bag...
A great big HUG & THANK YOU to all that came and shared our special day...and again to Kelly & Lynn..All the love and hugs I can spare! :o) You are the best!

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