Love is the glue that gets u together for the lesson....

Monday, February 13, 2012

World's best Hubby!!!!!

Ok I'm sure every girl thinks they have the best husband..but I'd have to disagree :) Sorry ladies I married him!  Being 8 months pregnant with what we already know is going to be a big little baby he has been so sweet to give me regular "tubby times" (as we call them in our house) to relax and soak the aches away.  But yesterday he out did himself...he set up the portable dvd player and I got to watch Breaking Dawn Part 1,eat a treat, soak and have some quality mommy time!
                    IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!! THANK YOU ANDY!!!!
Then tonight when Bayleann & I got home from dance these were waiting for me since tomorrow I have a doctor's appt during the afternoon and he didn't want them to be delivered when I wasn't at work :o) Always thinkin that man!

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone...Don't ya wish you had a hubby like mine! :o)

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