Love is the glue that gets u together for the lesson....

Monday, February 20, 2012

A new pink bed!

You know if it involves the color pink it has something to do with Bayleann :o) She finally got her own real big girl bed this weekend thanks to Papa Don (Great Grandpa Don).  His old metal twin bed got a girly makeover this weekend! And is now happily making dreams again with a new little kid after all these years.
Bayleann thinks its pretty cool that she is now sleeping in the same bed that Great Grandpa used to sleep in when he was little like her.  Only it's better now that it's pink in her opinion.

We went and picked it up on Saturday and by Sunday afternoon it was primed and painted "Ballet Slipper Pink" (if that isn't perfect for our peanut!) and within a few hours of dry time it had a happy little girl snuggling under (of course) pink sheets and comforter.

We went in and checked on her a few times last night after we put her to bed and she was happily snuggled under her covers dreaming sweet little dreams.  And this morning she said she didn't want to wake up-just say in her bed all day!

Daddy painted the frame from brown to pink

Taking apart the old tinker bell bed

Helping make her new bed

Snuggly little peanut

Not quite sure what happened with the exposure on this picture...but I snuck into her room about 10pm and took a somewhat sleepy peanut picture.

It amazes me how a twin bed can look small when sitting all by  itself but yet when you get your little girl tucked in there all happy and content it can look so huge! Another moment when a parent realizes how quickly their children are growing up...
Hold them close and kiss them often!

Monday, February 13, 2012

World's best Hubby!!!!!

Ok I'm sure every girl thinks they have the best husband..but I'd have to disagree :) Sorry ladies I married him!  Being 8 months pregnant with what we already know is going to be a big little baby he has been so sweet to give me regular "tubby times" (as we call them in our house) to relax and soak the aches away.  But yesterday he out did himself...he set up the portable dvd player and I got to watch Breaking Dawn Part 1,eat a treat, soak and have some quality mommy time!
                    IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!! THANK YOU ANDY!!!!
Then tonight when Bayleann & I got home from dance these were waiting for me since tomorrow I have a doctor's appt during the afternoon and he didn't want them to be delivered when I wasn't at work :o) Always thinkin that man!

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone...Don't ya wish you had a hubby like mine! :o)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Happy Birthday Bayleann!

Our little peanut turned 6 years old last Saturday! Can't believe how the time has flown by...seems like she was just a little peanut :o) It amazes us how quickly our kids have grown up-it makes you hang on to each and every moment!
Since her actual birthday was on Saturday we decorated the house for her with pink & purple balloons and streamers (which she loved when she woke up!)  Then she decided she wanted to go out for pizza and to pick out her present.  Then we came home and ate cake and played! :o) It was a great birthday according to Bayleann!
She got to wear her new dress to school on Friday, she got to bring in treats for her class.

Daddy bought her 6 pink roses for her Birthday :) Along with a Happy Birthday balloon.  She was one happy little peanut!

The yummy birthday cake.

She he only had 1 boyfriend :o)