Love is the glue that gets u together for the lesson....

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Game Fair 2011

It was that time again this year...our annual trip to Game Fair in Anoka-one of the largest hunting shows in the state.  We took Austin and one of Andy's hunting buddies Pat.  We had a great time walking around seeing all the exhibits.  Here are some pictures from that day.  The video is of Austin and Barnie Calef-who is a 3 time world duck calling champion & a hero to the boys.  We went to chat with him again this year...he remembered Austin and his mohawk hair do.  He was showing Austin some tips for calling and handed him one of his calls to try...then decided to give it to him along with his instructional video.  WOW what a lucky little boy!
Petting the baby rescue deer

Getting his face painted camo

Austin & Barnie showin off their BIG GUNS!

He does this to Austin every year..

Holding one of Barnie's World Champion Trophies...Since Austin had won a local calling contest a few years ago and was telling Barnie about it he thought Austin should take a picture with a big trophy.

Austin was loving this! He walked away in did his Dad :o)  And needless to say that video has been played alot already!  See ya next year Barnie!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Zoo & Lego Man

Well like I said our family loves us a zoo trip...we went to a small town zoo and got to see some pretty neat animals considering this zoo wasn't super big.  Bayleann's favorite is always the otters. She loves watching them swim around and whenever she moves they seem to follow her :o)

Austin says this guys from swamp people!

Austin loved this turtle cuz it reminded him of the Arby's dancing turtle commerical!

I loved these flowers!

Our new snake friends!

Bayleann and her carousels!

Ok here are some creations from MR. Legoman...he was watching a history show on D Day and then he went into his legos and built this model of the event.  I was in awe of this little man's imagination!

He even but the grave markers for the fallen soliders.

A tractor sprayer

Fishing boat

I couldn't resist posting this picture! What daddy's don't do for their little girls!

This is the view from our back deck...we have about 300 feathered friends that think our backyard is their new home...they go from the yard to the lake back to the yard again all day long.  At one time the majority of these were little fuzzy babies! Now they're all grown up...too bad they know to get the heck out of dodge come hunting season! Sorry Andy :o)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Baseball Season & 4th of July Happenings

I finally got around to loading all of Austin's baseball pictures from his summer program on the computer last night.  He was a Mighty Mite Panther Baseball player in June and part of July. They got rained out alot but were able to make up most of the games...They played area schools Bertha, Verndale, Wadena, Henning, New York Mills.  This was the first year he was able to participate in the traveling team (he was finally old enough).  These boys had a blast and they were wonderful with their sportsmanship and encouragment for fellow players! SO PROUD of our little panthers!  I was able to make it to all his games and actually got a good tan going for the summer-Thanks Austin :o) Dad was able to make it to a few of the last games in July.

He hit a triple on this play!

Going home for the point!

Gotta slide a least once a game to get the baseball pants dirty!

Go Team!

Next are some pictures from the 4th of July...we had some friends over..did some grilling, water sliding & splashin, Bayleann got Bob to dance, and Austin shot a turtle, fireworks, smores, pizzas over the fire..... All part of a red neck 4th of July!

Got Bob to dance to the music...thinkin he was gettin dizzy by the time Bayleann was done twirling!

Pat helpin Austin aim

Proud shooter...there was a injured turtle so they put it out of it's misery.

Can't get the best of dad! We also went to a nearby know our family we love the zoo and learning about the animals...Those pictures will come along shortly :o) Along with some cool lego creations from Mr. Lego himself-Austin Moen.