Love is the glue that gets u together for the lesson....

Friday, September 24, 2010

A weekend full of huntin' & scrappin'

This past weekend Grandma & Grandpa came over to help watch the kids while I got to Osakis for a Scrapbook retreat!  YEAH!!  It was very relaxing & I have never laughed so hard!  While I was gone Andy took Austin out goose hunting...Let's just say "like father like son" :)  Austin loves hunting as much as dad does-he didn't even complain he was tired-but if you look at the pictures he did sneak in a little cat nap in the duck blind...shhhh don't wake him!
caught ya sleepin' booger!!!

That's a big goose!
Ck out the grin on Austin's face-priceless :)

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