Love is the glue that gets u together for the lesson....

Friday, September 24, 2010

A weekend full of huntin' & scrappin'

This past weekend Grandma & Grandpa came over to help watch the kids while I got to Osakis for a Scrapbook retreat!  YEAH!!  It was very relaxing & I have never laughed so hard!  While I was gone Andy took Austin out goose hunting...Let's just say "like father like son" :)  Austin loves hunting as much as dad does-he didn't even complain he was tired-but if you look at the pictures he did sneak in a little cat nap in the duck blind...shhhh don't wake him!
caught ya sleepin' booger!!!

That's a big goose!
Ck out the grin on Austin's face-priceless :)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The first day of school at Parkers Prairie-Tuesday 9-7-10

Parkers Prairie Panther 3rd Grader!
Bayleann's first day of school!

Can't believe that school has started and that Bayleann is a preschooler already!  Time really does fly by when you aren't paying attention!  Austin is excited cuz in 3rd grade they get balls to sit on instead of chairs...wonder how long it will take for the kids to not be constantly bouncin' :o)  Well here's to a great school year!