Love is the glue that gets u together for the lesson....

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Did you think that the Moen family fell off the face of the earth? :) We're still around and doing fine....just took some time off from blogging-life just got a little too busy around here to keep caught up on everything.

I will be posting a tons of pictures soon so you can see what everyone's been up to since last December (can't believe it's been THAT long since we posted last!)

The kids have been super busy with sports and fun and GROWING UP way to fast! Austin started 7th grade this year at the High School (so not ready for that!) and is having a blast! Bayleann is in 3rd grade this year and thriving! And our little Zoey....that lil girl has so much personality and spirit-she keeps us on our toes for sure!!!

Hope everyone that follows us here at our little blog spot is doing well and don't worry I'll get back to posting regularly soon! 

Until then here's a pic to see how much these little monkies have grown!