Love is the glue that gets u together for the lesson....

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Holy Crow It's the First Day of School!

Well our little people went off to school once again.  Only they are not so little anymore! 

6th grade-no way....he is now the top dog at the school.  It's hard to believe this will be his last year of elementary school already.  He wasn't real excited this morning but once he got there and started seeing his buddies it was "later mom & dad" and off he went! :o) He has a cool teacher this year too so that's an added bonus.

2nd grade-this too is hard to seems like it was just yesterday she was a little preschooler and one of the really little people in the building.  She loves her teacher and was super excited to get to school this morning-the first one up actually!  

Just wait in a few short years we'll be bringing a new little Moen to school! Oh Boy!

The kids were super excited when they smelled breakfast this morning...yummy cinnamon rolls.  Special treat for a special day.

Even Zoey got a yummy roll...she was so confused today...she didn't know what to think when we left her brother and sister at school and went back home.  She wandered around for awhile looking for them and she lite up when she saw them coming down the hall after school and gave them each big hugs.

What a pair...the annual pic on the first day!

This was so cute!!! Zoey was wearing her new "kicks" this morning and Bayleann put Zoey's backpack on and she went straight to the door to go to school too!

Boog with Mr. Wagner!

Bayleann with Mrs. McDaniel....she loves Pixar and Disney movies....She's got characters all over her room :o)      

          We are off to a great start to another great school year!