Love is the glue that gets u together for the lesson....

Monday, August 26, 2013

Summer Slow Down!

I know we say it every year...but where did the Summer run off too? School starts in just over a week. Bayleann of course is ready to go-Austin not so much :o) He's not looking forward to the homework! 6th grade and 2nd grade already-can't believe it.  August was another busy month-hence no blog entries (I always tell myself I'm going to get better about posting in the summer but it never really happens!) Oh Well...enjoy some of the things we did lately.....
Notice the small square bales? Bayleann and I came home from dance this summer one night and found these lining our driveway....Lil Farmer Austin used his John Deere wagon and collected the grass clippings and made bales.  Andy said he worked at that for most of the night :o) What a kid!

We made our annual camping trek to Lac Qui Parle State Park this year. The weather was absolutely beautiful! Sunny and cool! We love this campground-the kids have nice open areas to play and ride bikes. Plus there is an awesome thrift shop in Montivideo :o) We have a blast each year....

Zoey kept pretty close tabs on big brother...always close behind him when he was playing :o)

Dancin in the grass...our girls!

Found a sittin' spot that was the perfect height for a Zo Zo, plus it was close to dirt which is her favorite!

Going in!

A new hiding spot???

Each of the kids have loved this John Deere wagon...we got it when Austin was little.  They love riding in it, pulling it around and even using it for making bales :o)

Bye Bye Momma!

Giving it a pull for herself...

Bayleann was pumped to be riding her brother's four wheeler...the only problem is this girl only has one speed setting! HIGH & FAST!!! Oh boy!

In early August Austin participated in a Basketball camp at the U of M in Morris run by the Boys Basketball head coach.  He loved it! We had over 20 kids from the 5th-7th grade teams go to this camp.

The gym is on the lower level and you can be up top and take some cool pictures of the games below...

Bayleann and I went outside and walked around the campus for a bit during one of the practices...We went down on the newly painted football field...She loved how the turf felt under her feet...I dared her to run the length of the field (I was hoping to wear her out-not so much!)

Austin won a ribbon for a lay-up competition and received a gold trophy too! Way to go Boog!

The 4th-6th graders with the coaches...

Working hard on her lap top just like momma

Now she's gotta make some calls!

Took a break from workin' to do some dancin'

Our neighbor came over the other afternoon with his new toy...a big mower that goes behind the tractor...And see that little person in the cab...Bayleann got to go along for the ride when he mowed over a big patch of willows that were takin' over our field road to the lake...She loved it!

I'm berry cute in my strawberry jammies!

The kids went down to the lake with Dad and came back with some of the willow sticks that were mowed over and decided to build a TP....Warning: If you have allergies don't go too near the TP...the covering is all ragweed! I had to hold my breath to take pictures!!!

Not sure if that looks comfy or not...They had a cute Welcome sign and little signs with their names on them...What creativity they have!

Their tenant of the TP....A grasshopper in a jar :o) He was later released due to not paying the rent! HA!

Thursday, August 22, 2013