Love is the glue that gets u together for the lesson....

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Ears with holes, critters, sunscreen......

Fun in the sun! That is what's been happening at the Moen household lately...we are finally winding down on our baseball season for the kiddos...not sure if they are happy or sad about that yet.  Bayleann's summer season ended last Wednesday and Austin's will end this coming Wednesday with a tournament in Wadena.  I'd have to say I'm not real sad-I love watching my monkies but the sunburn and bleacher butt is getting alittle old :o) It official we've emptied a whole bottle of sunscreen already.

Rounding 3rd base for her home run!!!

Another homer on her last day of baseball :o)

Austin team....a good bunch of kids!

Stole third...wasn't even a big effort...just jogged!

What a bean pole

It seems like every year we play a game in Bertha and it's the hottest day of the year! See the haze in the air...

Last Saturday we took Bayleann to the mall for alil' surprise.  She's been wanting to get her ears pierced for quite some time, but was always a little scared that it was going to hurt too much.  The kids had taken all their spare change to the bank earlier that day and cashed it we told her that she could use some of her money to get her ears pierced and she was all for that!  She was nervous...wanted to hold Daddy's hand and the bear-but she did great! And her new holes look so cute!

She didn't even shed a tear! What a brave girl!

She chose cute multi colored flowers for her studs...she reminds me everyday to help her clean them and is counting down the days before she gets to go and pick out some cute earrings :o)

I came home the other night to find Mr. Box on the front steps....He's what you would call a box with personality


We started out our holiday weekend with a small road trip...the kids wanted a few non-Minnesota fire works so we thought we'd make our annual trip to Wahpeton..fireworks-the zoo-and a trip to our favorite restaurant the Fryin' Pan.  Even though we go to the Chahinkapa Zoo each year it is still a fun time for the kids....the animals here have quite the personalities.  This year Zoey was old enough to enjoy it too!

The whole family loves the otters!

They would swim close to the glass and Zoey would just smile and giggle! Wish we could take one home!

The other fun guys at the zoo are always the monkeys! They seem to put on a show whenever people come by :o) Zoey loved these guys too...

My monkies!

Zoey is playing peek-a-boo with.....

Mr. Bear

Notice the little fingers trying to coach the little ducklings over to pet them....Momma duck wasn't real impressed with this whole thing

Zoey wasn't real sure of the petting area of the zoo....She was fine looking at them from Daddy's arms but wanted nothing to do with petting them!

My favorite monkies!


Here Mr. Otter....want a tuddy?

There are no words.......

This is my monkey face mommy!

These little guys are a hoot...bobbin all over the place

We decided to have some fun in the water n sun....the kids enjoyed some time in the mini pool.  They had fun splashing each other and mom n dad had some relaxing time in the shade/sun enjoying the view.

Zoey had a blast in her own little kiddy pool...She was amazed with the princess's on the bottom under the water :o)

Love those little toes!

Pointing at her siblings splashing in their pool...

The kids got their favorite fireworks again this year....little parachute guys.  We only lost one in the lake this year! They love watching them pop in the air and trying to follow where they will land.

Austin wanted to go to Ripley again...we hadn't been there in a couple years so off we went for a day trip...Austin lookin so tough in his muscle shirt with a fresh mohawk

No if that's not the cutest lil sailor you've ever seen!!!!!!

See my muscles sailor!


Enjoying some pink wafer cookies....what a messy Zoey!

Happy 4th Everyone
I've had a busy weekend! It's time for a tubby and a nap!