Love is the glue that gets u together for the lesson....

Monday, October 29, 2012

All things orange for Halloween.....

        Usually by mid September Andy's asking "is it too early to put up the Halloween decorations?" Ha! We LOVE Halloween around this house as much as we love Christmas.  Pumpkins, ghosts, scary houses, bones, glowing green skulls all decorate our house-it's an all day process most years.  The kids look forward to it as much as we do.....getting their pumpkins and of course carving them and playing with the guts :o) baking seeds and of course their Halloween party at school.  This year mom helped get it all ready and that made it even more fun for them!
Going to find the perfect pumpkins....

Found mine mom!

It was a cloudy cold day when we went to get our pumpkins...but that didn't stop our fun...we just dressed warmer!

Of course Dad had to find the biggest pumpkin out there!

Dad's woulnd't fit in the wagon-we made him carry these are Austin's, Bayleann's, Mom's and Zoey's is the tiny one!

Zoey's first pumpkin adventure :o)

AHHHHH our three little monkies

A nice gentlemen offered to take a family photo of us...That was so sweet....What a cute family! Poor little zoey could hardly move but she was warm!

Let the carving begin!
Eveyone decided on faces this year for their pumpkins.....Not sure what the kids like more the carving or the guts!

The finished art work! We have three scary faces, a ghost and little Zoey pumpkin!

Pretty proud of their creations!

What a little ham! She tried eating her pumpkin more than once-or at least sucking on it!

Attacking Daddy's's almost as big as Zo Zo

This past Saturday was the Halloween party at the elementary school. The sports boosters put this on for the kids each year and they have a blast! As a new member of the boosters (thanks to being a co-coach for flag football) I got to help with the planning, decorating etc.  It sure is a lot of work but the reaction and smiles from all the kids make it worth all the effort!

My kids had a blast....Bayleann was a blinged out jail bird (she even got to wear makeup which she loved-that is why her eyes look so dark)

Scary Scream guy.....jailbird....and a sock monkey!

Such a cutie....just want to kiss and kiss and kiss her! She had a blast watching all the kids-wasn't scared of any costumes.  But as soon as we got in the car she was out! Halloween parties are a lot of work for such little monkies :o)

Some of the games that were around the gym for the kids...We had kids from the high school in costume running them.

The graveyard.....Dark and spooky!

Each classroom is given a pumpkin to decorate...This one is Bayleann's First Grade classroom.....They painted it a glittery white and melted crayons over it! So creative!  Then all the pumpkins are put on display throughout the night so everyone there can vote and the winner gets $100 for their classroom from the boosters!

Boog's 5th grade classroom pumpkin....This is one angry birdie!

Bayleann found her favorite guy of the night....the hairy gorilla....each year ever since she was barely walking she has loved these monkies....She gives them hugs every year....this year Mr. Monkey found her and tackled her for a hug (we knew who was inside but she didn't!)

Happy Halloween Everybody! Gets lots of candy and don't play to many tricks!!!
Next stop Trick-or-Treating!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Wonderful Fall

Well one month of school is already behind the school year is already moving way to fast! Well for the parents anyway :o)  Both kids are having a blast in their classes-peanut has found a niche in the first grade coming home with homework once in awhile and super excited about that! Austin is in the 5th/6th grade combo class with entertwines 5th and 6th graders and than they have a middle school block where they move around to different teachers.  He is enjoying that this year...especially the science.

Andy & I have taken on a new venture this coaches.  Yes I said Andy & I!  There wasn't anyone to coach flag football so we along with two other dads stepped up and we have 40 kids on our team. And they are a great bunch of kids.  I think the kids think it's cool to have a mom coach :o) we have 6 girls on our team too!

We start each practice with laps around the track....great for gettin' the pent up energy out!

Running drills

We have enough kids to break them up into 4 teams-each team gets a coach and we play two teams against each other.

We took some fall pics of the kids down by the lake....That area is so awesome for fall pictures & it really makes it easy when the subjects are so darn cute!

The most beautiful children in the whole wide world!

I love these next shots of peanut....

Zo-Zo was alittle unsure of the lake was still warm

Some Zoey pics.....

All dressed up in her new boots

Just chillin'

Our litl one with mom & dad's rings......a girlfriend told me about doing a shot like this...I love it!  Those little toes are so kissable

Never to young to start practicing!