Love is the glue that gets u together for the lesson....

Sunday, April 22, 2012


I know she is almost 2 weeks old already...but here is our little miracle girl....introducing....

Zoey Catherine-Dale Moen! Born April 10th 2012 at 5:43pm weighing 8lbs 9.2ozs 21 1/4 inches tall.  What a precious little bundle!

I couldn't believe she was perfect and a little girl! I honestly thought we were having a boy.  We never checked the envelope to see before she was born.

She hardly cried when she was born.  She let them check her over and didn't even fuss when they pricked her heel for her blood test & first shots. But she did get back at the nurse by peeing on her right away :)

A very proud Daddy!

A proud big brother again! He was alittle disappointed at first that she was a girl since he was hoping for a little brother...but Zoey has him wrapped around her little finger already! He's in love with his new little sister.

Now Bayleann on the other hand was thrilled that we had a little girl! She came into the room and put her arms in the air and cheered that she was a big sister!

Daddy brought Zoey some roses and a cute foot balloon! Love the little toes

Daddy's purple roses for his little girl!

We call her our little miracle baby simply because it amazes me daily that she is really here and completely perfect!  The whole process that went into her birth will amaze me forever, she is a little trooper-hanging in there from the very beginning.  The extra hormones I had to take to make sure that she stayed in my tummy, all the blood tests (knowing that I hate needles!), the weekly doctor visits from the start, having to watch my sugar toward the end, and all the ultrasounds to watch her slowly grow into a perfect little baby.  Our little Zoey is a trooper, I know she will grow up to be a tough little girl!

Her birth overall was easy for me, I know there are momma's out there that are going to hate me for saying that but it's true.  I am extremely blessed with easy labors and easy births.  She was active all the way up to her big entrance into the world. We've got to say a HUGE thanks to all the people who shared in Zoey's birth with us!  The nurses we had during her birth and the fun that came afterwards (more on that later) were the greatest! They stayed by our side through everything (even though that is their job-they went far above their duties). 
To my wonderful Andy-he has always been my rock, my best friend and has givin me three of the most beautiful children a mom could ever ask for.  I love you so much you will never know!  Thank you for never leaving my side! 

Ok enough of the are some more pictures of our little Zoey!

Anyone who knows me knows there will be lots more Zoey pictures coming soon! I think we've already taken hundreds, I just have to weed through them all and pick my favorites!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Schucking Corn.....we are rednecks :o)

Ok your probably wondering 'what in the heck are you talking about schucking corn'...well I'm not even sure I spelled that word right but anyway.  When I got home from work the other day I found Andy and the kids in the shed taking corn off the cobs for the wild life we have in our backyard.  Remember these pics this past spring when we went collecting corn cobs in the field by our house?
Well now they were taking the corn off the cobs so that they can spread it out on the lakeside for the geese and swans...

Working hard to get all the corn nibblets off the was a team effort!

The dead cobs

Spreading out the corn trail for the birds


Our cool big swans