Love is the glue that gets u together for the lesson....

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Fall is finally here & we love it!

There is just something about the changing of the seasons that is so refreshing...summer always seems to go by so fast and is so busy...once fall comes around things go back to a sense of routine with school starting.  We love going outside in the morning when there is a nip in the air that makes your whole body shiver than the sun comes up and warms you up and then the night cools again with a smell of freshness.  Granted the trees in our yard don't have enough leaves to rake up and fit in a zip lock baggie but they will get there over time, they did change color alittle this year! And the Moen's love us some Halloween decorations! (Will fill you in later on all the Halloween fun we've already been having:) 

Fall also means the start of ......yup you guessed it HUNTING SEASONS (I say seasons-plural cuz around our house they all kinda mesh together til sometime in December!) The weekend after Labor Day the boys (Andy & Austin) starting hunting geese than here are some pics of their adventures so far (notice how little Bayleann gets in on some of the action!)
1st goose hunt of the season

The hunting party

She is such a tomboy girly girl! Playing with the dead goose in her dress jammies and froggie flip flops!

Proud little hunter!

Plucking the feathers....Bayleann for some reason loves that part!

Notice the little fingers and big fingers?? Dad passing on the art of cutting away the skin to his son!

What a pair these two make...they will be hunting buddies for life!

Andy said that these Woodies came in right away and he shot all three pretty quickly....then looked over at Austin and Austin said "Now that's the way to start the morning!" What a kid!

Helping dad with the feathers again

I think I should be she was de-feathering the goose she stuck her hand in the wound made by dad's gun shot blast....she thought it was COOL-hence the smile on her face!

Boys hard at it again!

Austin is teasing Shea with the duck beak...Shea was going nuts over the ducks and the feathers flying in her kennel.

The decoy spread in Dick's wheat field

Random Dead Goose!

Coming Soon.....Halloween fun! Stay tuned! :o)