Love is the glue that gets u together for the lesson....

Friday, May 27, 2011

Deployment & Shooting Clays....

I want to start off this post by asking everyone that reads our blog to take a minute and say a prayer for our soliders both here in country and those that are overseas.  We were asked to attend a deployment ceremony this past Wednesday for some good friends of ours who's son is deploying.  If you have never been to is both a heartbreaking and invigorating experience.  Seeing our men & women ready to serve our country willingly and with determination yet seeing the families and friends saying good bye-Emotions run rampant all day.  Here are some special pics for that day.

The Charlie Company Flag

As they were reading the offical activation of the company from President Obama I looked over at the flag and the wind blew it perfect so I couldn't resist a picture.

The boys with momma-they wouldn't stop pickin on her!

With his says 'i'm not old-i'm retro' :o)
That's you Bob!!!

Ryan is a gunner on the top of the tanks. He will be going to Kuwait then Iraq and be part of the last company to see the troops out of the area at the end of 2011. God Speed young man! We love you, honor you and will keep you safe in our prayers!

Austin's class all made cards for Ryan to take with him and read...wishing him good luck & safety.
These 3rd graders make me so proud!

Austin looks worried since Ryan was tossing him around in the air
 like he was a 10lb sack of tators with one arm :o)

Huntin Buddies! The boys will keep shootin them while your gone Ryan!
That means you too Pat!

I have to end the ceremony pics with this one...I was just snappin pics randomly & caught this one. 
The bond between a mother & child is never broken it is just made stronger by the road we travel with them, first in front-then beside holding their hand and finally behind watching them travel the road themselves. But always in a mothers heart!

A couple weekends ago we had the same family over for food, laughs, and some shootin! It was a great time!

Austin controllin the thrower

The Men! Don't they look tough!

Peanut got the controls now...she was alittle more sneaky with the release :)
Made them work a little!

Always tryin to be the stud!

Collectin the missed ones out of the field.

He started building army caves/barracks when his sister took over the controls.
This kid has such an imagination!


Friday, May 20, 2011

A Very Handsome 3rd Grader!

Austin will soon be finished with the 3rd grade already! He has grown so much this year not only in height but maturity and smarts (as he says it).  His teacher told us at conferences (with Austin sitting right there) that he was one of her best students and she didn't want to let him go onto 4th Grade cuz she would miss him to much! {insert tear here} He had the biggest smile on his face!  But alas she said she 9 more days of 3rd grade and he's all done!
Of course he picked the camo background!
We're very proud of you boog!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Hey we are still Blogging!

Hello all! I know it has been forever since the last post....sorry about that. This last tax season was one of the busiest! Now that it's getting to be summer there will be lots of pictures on their way!!

We'll start with a few for Bayleann....She is all done with preschool now and getting ready for kindergarden.  They had 'Kindergarden Roundup' the other day where they get to meet the teachers and get to roam around the classroom to get aquinted with everything.  Then she had her spring program at school for her last day of preschool. They sang a bunch of songs and danced-right up her alley!  And lastly they took a field trip to the park and had ice cream (at 10:30 in the morning!)

Round up...making a puppet
Her program....always a ham! She is not shy at all :)

The field trip....Bayleann and her best buddies Jessa & Abby 

Next are some pictures of her spring dance show...first ones are from the rehearsal...then of her before she danced-of her full head of hair! and the actual show.  She did AWESOME!!! The best little dancer on the stage and I'm not just saying that cuz I'm a proud momma :) she really does very well with all the moves! She even got a pretty pink balloon and flowers from her big brother!

Will post more pics this week of Austin & of Andy's snow goose hunt he got to go on in March!