Love is the glue that gets u together for the lesson....

Thursday, October 7, 2010

2010 in review.....

Since I just started to get the hang of this blogging/posting pictures thing, I thought I would go back through the year and pulled out some pics.  They are completely random but oh so darn cute!! Of course it helps to have such cute subjects :o)

Parkers Prairie Panthers Summer Rec T-Ball...Austin is up to bat.

Team huddle after a good game-with Coach Noga

The proud little dancer! This was taken before her spring recital for dance in May.
Like father like son...Austin has a love of basketball just like his Dad.  He got to be in a camp in July with Coach Noga.  He loves it and is getting really good to! Some day he'll be playing for the Parkers Prairie Panthers!

We had lunch at Noonan's Park in Alexandria and then the kids brought old bread to feed the geese & ducks.  Dad kept telling Austin to grab one so they could take it home.  He got close enough that they were eating the bread out of his hands but he couldn't convince one to come home with him.

Crazy Farmer Boog....yes he is on a irrigator tire in the middle of the bean field :o)

Little Princess Bayleann

Being goofy as always!

Andy & Austin go to Game Fair in Anoka each year to look at hunting stuff, drool the usual :) Well this year Austin got to meet and take pictures with a few of his hunting idols.  This is Jeff Foiles from Foiles Migrators-he's a famous hunter that travels around makin hunting movies, makes goose/duck calls...pretty much has the life Andy would  love!

The above two pictures go together...Barnie Calef is a champion duck/goose caller and makes/sells his own line of calls.  He took a liking to Austin and talked with him for quite a while.  So to be goofy he told Austin to start calling ducks with one of his calls  then he pretended that the calling was hurting his ears.  Austin loved talking with him-Calef was giving him hunting tips.

Having a archery contest....see who can hit the big buck that is standing in front of the hay bad the buck is made of foam & plastic!  It has big horns!

Helping Austin perfect his BB gun skills...He's getting to be a pretty good shot!

Look there's a pink lizard on your head peanut!

The next few pics are from a trip to the Wahpeton Zoo in North Dakota...The zoo there is small but has great animals and fun things to see and do.  They are standing next to a giant eagle nest below.  And they got to ride a old fashioned (completely restored) carousel, Bayleann did not want to leave she loved it!